Chapter 37

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Filch banged on McGonagall's door and waited for her to answer the door. When she finally opened it she was confused.

"Here, I caught this one out of bed miss," Filch said happily.

"Right, thank you, Argus. I will deal with this," she replied. Filch grumbled as he walked away about how punishments weren't as harsh as they used to be.

"Come in, Miss Peverell," she said stiffly moving to the side. I sat down in front of her desk.

"What were you doing out of bed?" she asked.

"I was patrolling so Remus didn't have to. I don't think I need to tell you why he couldn't do his patrol," I replied raising an eyebrow. She nodded.

"You are free to go back to the common room Mrs Peverell," she all but whispered. I just stood up and went back to my room. I had to look like Remus going back into the room. But when I got there I put everything that the boys might need when they came back before falling asleep. I didn't wake when the boys came back.


When I did the boys were back and asleep. They had all cleaned themselves up. I smiled at their tired forms and cleaned up the medicine kits. When we were all awake we went and visited Remus in the hospital wing. He was awake when we got there.

"Hey," he said smiling.

"Hey," I said doing a scan checking how he was.

"Miss Peverell, I can treat my patients just fine," Poppy called out coming from her office.

"Sorry Poppy, but he is one of my best friends I want to make sure he is okay," I said sheepishly. "Also, we both know that he wouldn't tell us how he really was anyways," I reply.

"You have a point. But, it seems that he is fine and has been on quite a few of the last full moons. I am releasing him. But, trusting you to make sure he isn't overexerting himself," she said after taking her own scan. We all waited for Remus to be ready to go before walking to the common room.

"So, what are we all doing? It is the Christmas eve let's have fun," Sirius suggested as we got sat down with the others. I stood up again.

"Well, I actually need to wrap my present so no one come into our room for a while," I said before going. I spent most of the day wrapping peoples presents and sending them. I had presents for Dumbles, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Fabe, Gid, Lily, Frank, Alice, Marlene, Mary, Bella, Cissy, Snape, Regulus, Lucius, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Molly, Charlie, Bill, Arthur, Lord and Lady Black and Lord and Lady Potter. I put my presents under the tree when I came down. I had missed lunch so I snuck down to the kitchens with the boys before coming back up with a load of treats for the others. The rest of the day we relaxed and played games. I went to bed happy. I woke up the next morning to the boys jumping on my bed. Idiots.

A.N: I know this chapter is short but I thought that this way the Christmas chapter can be big. I am skipping a lot of the year as it is boring things. Let's be honest you want to know about the story. Hope you enjoy. 

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