Chapter 2

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A.N: Chapter two.

Everyone enters and is staring at me and Dumbledore but we carry on talking. I know he is doing it to distract me. Once everyone is seated they are quiet waiting for an explanation he stands and offers me his hand. We walk to the front of the table. I put all the training Sirius made me go through about pureblood customs to use and looked confident and put up my occlumecy walls.

"Welcome students. As you know I asked you all to wait outside the door before tonight's meal. The reason being is we have a new student that needs to be sorted. She is a fifth-year and will be sorted now," he said. Everyone started whispering when he finished. He ignored them and moved the hat of the stool and put it on my head.

Well back sorted at the end of the year, the hat said in my head

Hello, Christopher, I thought smirking.

Ah, I see you are from the future he replied.

Yes, now you can't tell anyone and you can't tell them about my position I ordered.

Of course my lady he replied. Any preferences.

Well, I thought maybe we could. So I explained my plan when I was done and he agreed it had been a few minutes. I huffed and stood up. I placed the hat on the stool and turned to the staff.

"Albus, I am hungry and I am sure everyone else. Christopher said he would think about it and when he made up his mind he would cough," I explain.

"I suppose, come you can eat dinner at the staff table," he sighed but I could see the twinkle in his eye so knew he was finding it fun.

"No, it's fine. I will sit at a student's table," I replied dismissing him with a wave of my hand.

"Okay, enjoy yourself, dear," he said and kissed my cheek before going back around the table and putting the food on the table, which distracts the younger years. Though those fifth year and above were all watching me understanding that my choice may reflect where I would end up. I smiled and walked straight for the Slytherin table and walked down to where I saw Snape and all the other mini death eaters. There was an empty seat.

"Is that seat taken?" I ask. Lucius shook his head and offered me the chair. I sat.

"Thank you, Lord Malfoy," I said presenting my hand.

"You are welcome..." he left it hanging for me to introduce my self.

"Oh, you have to wait for my name the whole school finds out after I am sorted," I supply. He raises an eyebrow but nods and turns to the others.

"Well, these are - " he starts.

"Oh, I know. Lord Avery, Lord Crabbe, Lord Goyle, Lord Nott, Lord Parkinson, Ladies Black's, Lord Black and Lord Prince," I said nodding at them all.

"Lord Prince?" Bellatrix said surprised with a raised eyebrow. I was glad for Sirius lessons now as I wanted to punch her in the face.

"Yes, he is from the Prince line," I say.

"Well, you certainly are informed. How is that?" she asked curiously and I could tell she didn't trust me.

"I do my research so I know who I am up against. After all, keep your friends close keep your enemies closer," I smirk.

"Speak like that and you might just become a Slytherin," she smirked back.

"Perhaps, maybe not," I say indifferently. We start to eat.

"Lord Black, you are in the fourth year, yes," I say to him. He seems surprised by the question but nods.

"You must be bored of them studying all the time for Owls perhaps we can spend some time together while they study. I will need someone to help me get around this castle," I suggest.

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