Chapter 27

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The day they go back to school.

I had packed my trunk the day before and convinced the boys to do the same. It didn't take much for us to be ready in the morning. We had got to the station early. When it came to saying goodbye it nearly broke my heart to say goodbye to the two little ones. They were so sad and crying. Fabe and Gid were pissed as they didn't cry when they left for school last year and only wanted me to stay. All of us found it amusing. After many promises, I wouldn't forget them and I would send them letters. I finally boarded the train at the last possible moment so that I could talk to the boys. I found our compartment where all my friends from Gryffindor were waiting even the twins.

"Done saying goodbye to OUR nephews Char?" Fabe asked.

"Don't be jealous they like me more. Maybe if you had stayed longer they would have cried over you two as well," I replied sitting on the floor under the window as there were no spare seat.

"She has a point," James muttered to which the twins glared at him.

"Were they the two boys you were saying goodbye to?" Lily asked curiously.

"Yeah, they are Bill and Charlie their nephews who love me after spending two weeks with me," I answered grinning. The twins mumbled something unintelligible and I rolled my eyes. "Oh stop whining they miss you. They just don't want you two to be upset because they are and made me promise to give them updates on you two and pass on letters from them," I said grinning when the twins looked at me.

"Really," Gid asked.

"Yes, but you guys didn't send them letters last year like you promised so they wanted to send their letters through me and didn't want to seem too attached to you as they think you don't like them that much," I answered. The boys suddenly had a piece of parchment and quill. "Guys, what ya doing?" I ask confused.

"Writing our nephews a letter to tell them how much we love them," they replied simultaneously. We all nodded and left them to it. I quickly conversed with the girls about our summers. I hadn't had much female conversation in the last four weeks apart from when I saw them and Mrs Potter, Mrs Prewett and Molly, who I couldn't talk to about the things I talked to the girls about. Once the twins sent the letter using my owl we all started talking about what we wanted to see in the school year. Frank and the twins told us all our teachers would go over the things that we had to be perfect on before starting the real courses to make sure everyone could do the course.

We had all got changed with about a third of the trip left when I said I was going to see the Slytherin's. I asked Sirius to explain to them what was his families views were on things now when I had left so that they understood why the Slytherin's would be acting differently this year while I went and found my Slytherin friends. It didn't take long as I knew I was going in the right direction due to a point me spell. When I did find them they had the same idea as us and all went in one compartment but had enlarged it for enough seat. I came in and greeted everyone. I stayed there for the rest of the journey as planned and caught up with them. All of them told me that their parents also were going to be staying away from prejudice views. Until Bella opened her mouth none of them had known it was because of me that their parents had decided to do so. However, I was surrounded by many Slytherins so had to be careful what I had revealed so that they wouldn't figure it out. When we got to Hogwarts I rode in a carriage with them before going to sit at my table with everyone. The first years were still going across the lake so we talked for a few minutes. I had looked over at Dumbledore but unfortunately, he wasn't paying attention so I couldn't catch his eye to send him the message that I wanted to talk to him. I would just have to wait until dinner I suppose. After the first years were sorted dinner was served. I quickly ate before walking up to dumbles.

"Charlotte, how may I help you?" he asked kindly. I knew quite a lot of the hall was watching as usually I talked to him at breakfast when fewer people were around. So I had to be careful.

"I have some questions about the agreement we made last year that I need to speak with you about perhaps after dinner," I suggested.

"Of course come to my office," he replied smiling. I nodded before walking away. I made my way to the Slytherin table again some people had obviously forgotten I did this. I decided to have dessert with them instead of Gryffindor. I went and sat down with my Slytherin friends.

"Hello," I said sitting down.

"Lady Peverell, still gracing us with your presence," Malfoy mocked as I had joked on the train how due to my staus I was more important than them. Also, it was the start of the year. Reg had warned me of this.

"Are you pretending to be this formal with me to impress the midgets because I assure you they are all eating and talking to each other making alliances," I say raising an eyebrow. I see his eyes shift to the younger years and see him relax.

"Well, I couldn't have them think that I was this casual in public just yet," he said rolling his eyes before smiling at me.

"Yeah, well dessert just came out so chill out Luce. Anyways I just came to chat and steal a pastry. The ones on this table are always nicer," I say taking one and kissing Reg on the cheek before leaving. It made him blush and it was always funny to watch them all lose their composure, I had found out due to late-night conversations that the boy had never been kissed by a girl before and was easy to make him lose his composure in front of a girl. I walked back to the Gryffindor table with my pastry. I sat down where I was in between Siri and Jamesy before I walked off to talk to dumbles.

"Hey," I said sitting down making them both jump a little.

"Where did you get that?" Siri asked gesturing to my pastry.

"Slytherin table, their's taste better," I said shrugging and taking a bite closing my eyes and moaning a little at the taste.

"Really," Siri asked amused at my reaction.

"Yeah, have Reg to thank he gave me some of his once. Wanna try," I said holding it up to him. He looked at me funny before shaking his head.

"No, I'm good," he muttered going to his cake.

"Whatever more for me. Also thanks for saving my seat Jamesy," I said smiling at him.

"Wasn't me it was Sirius and would you stop calling me that," he snapped. I smirked at him.

"Well, I have a meeting with Dumbles," I said standing up. "Oh, and thanks for the seat Siri," I said before bending down and kissing his cheek which just like his brother he blushed at. It was so easy to make these Black boy's blush. Before he could compose himself Dumbles walked over.

"Ready, Charlotte?" he asked and caught sight of Sirius' face. "I don't even want to know what you did to the poor boy," he muttered before walking.

"Albus, I am hurt all I did was thank him," I said mock outraged walking after him ignoring the shocking first years.

"You thanking him probably shocked him, dear," he said stopping for me. I pouted but took his arm and we walked to his office gossiping along the way about what we did in the holidays.

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