Chapter 24

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE!" They all yell from where they are on top of me.

"You know some normal people let people sleep in on their birthdays," I comment from under them.

"Charlotte you know by now we aren't normal," Remus teases after they get off me. I laugh while the others all locked hurt.

"Moony, you traitor!" James says affronted.

"Don't worry James none of us are normal which is a good thing. Normal people are boring which none of us is," I chuckle.

"True, very true," he agrees nodding.

"Thank you, by the ways. Now leave so I can get changed," I order smiling. They all get off me and leave. I go and have a quick shower then change. Before I go downstairs. I come into the living room and see all of the boys smiling and my presents by an armchair.

"Happy Birthday Char, mum and dad had to go out again but they wished you a happy birthday before they left," James informs me.

"Thanks. I'll see them later," I say smiling. I give them all a hug before they force me into a chair to open presents.

The boys - get me some prank things and a pair of simple red earrings which when I found out they were ruby I nearly killed them.

Frank, Fabe and Gid - got me a picture of all of us from in the school year, when we were messing around while the others studied. It was of them throwing me in the lake.

The girls - they had got me some makeup for me to use.

Bella - she got me a robe that had deep blue trimming

Cissy - she got me some silver heels

Reg - got me a book on creatures that are supposedly extinct


After I finish opening them we have breakfast. We joked around the whole time. I went upstairs to get changed into a swimsuit as the boys suggested we have a pool day. When I come outside all our friends were there.

"SURPRISE!" they yell. I was shocked. 

It was the perfect day. We spent the entire day messing around in the pool. I was surprised the boys had managed to keep it form me but I was touched they had gone through the effort. I don't think I stopped smiling the whole day. Around three everyone went home. 

I had decided to stay outside floating in the water for a while. It was peaceful until they all splash into the water. I move so I was treading water.

"Really," I glare at them.

"Sorry, but it was just too tempting," Pete jokes. It had been hard to treat him like the others. He was so quiet and I kept thinking of what he could become but I was determined for it not to happen. I just rolled my eyes in response before getting out of the pool.

"Right, well I am going to go have a shower and wash my hair and put away my presents. Thank you all for an amazing day," I say smiling. They wave me off and stayed in the pool. I did exactly what I said. I decide to write to Bella and Cissy a note to say thank you and that I couldn't wait to see them. I was leaving tomorrow for Fabe and Gid's so I figured I probably wouldn't see them until school. At dinner, I thanked Dora and Charles for allowing everyone around today and for letting me stay. Dora being her charming self just waved it off saying it was her pleasure. The next morning I woke up early and had a shower to wash my body. I had a nightmare, not as bad as the one the boys saw but still bad. I packed any things of mine that were around the room and took it downstairs into the living room. I had breakfast before the boys came down but after James parent's had left. When they did come down they were quite. I thought they were tired but apparently, they were sad I was laving.

"You guys I am seeing you next week to do school shopping. Then we are possibly sharing a room at Hogwarts again if the castle decides to be difficult you will be fine," I tell them before giving them all a hug and saying goodbye. I then flooed to Fabe and Gid's house for the last two weeks of summer.

A.N: Hope you like this chapter. It was a filler to get to the next part of the story. I know the last few chapters have been boring but when they go back to school things will get interesting. Hopefully.

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