Chapter 21

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A.N: James above.

James runs into his room and dumps me on the bed. I glare at him.

"Really?" I ask. He smiles and rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry," he soffers with a shrug. The others burst in and leap on to the bed. James just adds onto the pile on.

"Guys, get off! You are heavy!" I groan. They laughed and got off. I stayed laying down. "Sometimes I hate you guys," I moan.

"Aww, we love you to Char," Remus tells me smiling.

"What has you so happy moony," Sirus says. He froze a second later and looked at me.

"Siri, you have slipped up calling him Moony more times then I can count. I also already know," I remind him deadpan. The boys all laugh at him.

"Right, right, I forgot," he murmurs embarrassed. "Anyways ... what were you so happy about?" he asks again.  The boys finally get off so I can breathe.

"Char, or should I say Lady Peverell presented a law to give vampires, werewolves and others. It passed and now it looks like I will be able to get a job when I am older," he replies smiling and bouncing on his toes.

"You did? Wow. How was it? You never told Reg and I what happened," Sirius asks in rapid succession.

"Well, I made the whole Wizengamot come to a standstill and shocked all of them at how young I am. Orion found it amusing though as when I met people. They were confused at first," I chuckled moving so we can all sit on the bed.

Pete tilts his head, "How so?"

"Well, I talked to Charles first and people presumed I had no idea what I was doing as I barely bowed to him. They believed I didn't know the customs," I explains.


"The deeper you bow the higher up or more respected they are than you. Why would you only bow a little to him?" Sirus explains but asks me at the end.

"Well, Charles has seven votes I have thirteen votes. Therefore, I am higher up than him in the Wizengamot so I don't bow as low to him," I explain, "Was a shock to them all when I ended up with more power in the Wizengamot than anyone." 

"Damn. If someone wanted you as an ally they would be able to pass any law as all the people who agreed with you would agree as well. Remind me never to piss you off," James chuckles.

I stick my tongue out at him, "You will anyway."

"What happened after that?" Pete asks.

"Well. I sat down after talking to Lord Malfoy and stunned them all with my votes. Then we started with the laws. I introduced one to change stuff at Hogwarts. Some more boring laws about international policy. Then we had the break. Where I met Franks dad talking to Charles. I talked to them after talking to Lord Malfoy I went and sat down. Few more boring laws then I presented the one about the rights of creatures. It passed. I came home with Charles to discuss something then talked to James for a bit before heading home," I shrug.

"Creature," Remus growls out.

"Oh, hush Remus. I didn't mean it like that." I tell him swatting at his nose, "I even said this in the Wizengamot. Being a creature I think is a good thing, I see it a gift from magic to be able to do some of the things you can. In fact Remus nearly all pureblood families have creature blood in them. In fact, it used to be seen as a great honour to be mated to one if you were only human. I mean no offence," I explain. Remus looked shocked at my revelation.

"She's right mate," Sirius agrees

"She hit my nose," Remus utters in disbelief, "I'm not a dog!"

"You were acting like one," I retort. "Besides it doesn't matter now as the law passed and Remy here will be able to have any job he chooses," I say smiling. Remus smiles at this. "Right I might share a room with you pigs at school but I doubt I am sharing with you here," I remind them raising an eyebrow at James.

"No, you aren't let me show you your room," James agrees getting up and helping me up. He shows me to my room, which is on the same corridor. All our rooms where. I let the boys all catch up just them while I unpacked. When I came back they were outside playing Quidditch. I join them and we spent about an hour before we rest. We land on the ground tired.

"If, I become captain this year I am screwed our seeker graduated. We are going to lose," James sighs.

"What do you mean IF Prongs, you will definitely become captain," Sirius tries to reassure him.

James nods but isn't letting go, "True, but what are we going to do about seeker?"

"You got a snitch here haven't you prongs?" I reply.

"Yeah, why?" he answers confused.

"Just get it," I tell him. He stands in front of me giving me a look as to say 'well, now what'. "Release it," I mock. He does as I say and watches. I let it have a two-minute head start before I take off after. As James has a full quidditch pitch I have a lot of area to search. After about ten minutes I see it. I go after it but it dives. I chase after it and the snitch pulls up a metre from the ground. I do as well. I catch the snitch and fly over to the boys. I chuck the snitch at James as I land.

"There you go," I say smirking.

"Boys," he says they nod, "We found our Gryffindor seeker!" he yells before tackling me. So, for the second time that day, I am in a pileup. At the bottom. What am I going to do with these boys? I just wait until they get off. We all go inside and get showered and changed. I come downstairs and go to the living room. The boys are there talking about their holidays so far. I take a moment to take them in. Thinking of how things would have turned out if I hadn't come. James notices me and beckons me over.

"So, Char thought we could invite Fabe and Gid with us to do our school shopping," James informs the others as I sit down next to Remus putting my feet on his lap.

"Yeah, she told me I am fine with it as long as moony and wormy don't mind," Siri agrees. Neither Peter nor Remus cared. We talk for a few moments before a house-elf comes in to tell us that dinner is ready. We go in and see Charles and Dora sitting at the table. I am sat next to Dora. We talk about the upcoming year. I inform her of the balls and she then informs James he had to get new robes and that he had no say in the matter. We all laughed at this because of the face James pulls. After dinner, we joked about how many different ways James would ask Lily to the balls this year. Once that was done we go to bed. It was all going fine until I have a nightmare about the Dursleys. They were hitting me again. Suddenly it turned into my parents and Sirius instead of the Dursley's. So I wake up screaming.

A.N: Hope you liked this chapter.

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