Chapter 47

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Char POV:

"We are soul mates. My paper said Charlotte Potter and hers said, Sirius Black. Surely when she said her name it clicked in your head," Sirius replied.

"Not helping," I say glaring at him. He just smiles sheepishly.

"You are dating my daughter from the future and you don't see how this weird," James interrupts looking at Sirius like he was mad.

"How do you think I feel? He didn't tell me where I am from," I reply shrugging. "But I think he wanted to tell me at the end of fifth year. But he couldn't."

"And why not?" James asked angrily sending Sirius an accusatory look.

"Because I came here and ... he died about five minutes before I arrived here in the past," I say quietly. I feel Siri put an arm around me and I lean into him and give him a hug.

"That's why you looked so sad when you first came every time you looked at us," Remus said aloud. "Why did you look at Pete with hatred?" he asked.

"Because he was the secret keeper as Siri thought he would be too obvious so everyone would come after him, not Peter. But no one knew he was working for Voldemort and he gave them up. I hoped I would be able to stop him joining him while I was here. Which has worked as Voldemort has died," I explain?

"How do you know this?" Lily asked.

"Well, Dumbles and I have destroyed all his Horcruxes and in the Easter break we found and killed him," I answer. They look at me shocked.

"So, is that why you were avoiding us?" Remus asked.

"No, I was avoiding you because I didn't know how to tell you guys," I answer.

"Wait, we just ignored the fact that Sirius is my daughter's soul mate. You can't be her soul mate. You will break her," James argues standing up.

"What?" we all exclaim with different emotions.

"He will just dump her soon enough," James replies standing up and pointing at Siri. Siri let's go of me.

"You know how I feel. Even when I didn't know we weren't soul mates. You were fine with us maybe dating before when I didn't know, what changed?" Siri asks calmly.

"She's my daughter. You're my best friend. I know what you are like with girls you won't stay with her you probably don't care about her that much," James argued.

"How dare you? I know I have acted like that with girls in the past but she is different. She is my soul mate. At the Valentines ball, you told me before what you thought. You told me to go for it to see what she thinks. You told me after she had been in the hospital and you saw how distraught I had been that you would help me realise if she returns these feelings. At the ball, you were the one who made me realise that every time she was dancing with someone else I would be angry and watch them the whole time because I obviously wanted to be the one dancing with her You were the one who would tease me about liking her and tried to convince me to tell her. Besides, you see how I am with her. I am always worried about her nightmares. I am constantly making sure she is okay and you could hardly get me to eat while she was in the hospital wing. You had to physically pull me to get food. When she was avoiding us at Easter who was watching the map like a hawk. Me. I was the one watching the map. I am the one who hears her first when she had nightmares even before Remus. I am the one she chose to share a bed with so she doesn't have them. So don't you dare try and tell me I will just push her away after a few weeks! You aren't doing that to Lily your soul mate. So, why would I so that to mine. The person I belong with that even though I didn't know she was my soul mate I had FALLEN IN LOVE WITH. The only reason you are saying that is because you don't trust me with your daughter. Even though you know I am in love with her," Sirius ranted at him pointing James in the chest with his finger. I was in shock.

Sirius POV:

I had just finished my rant at James and her someone takes a sharp breath in. I looked around and saw Char shocked and my eyes bulged. I had just admitted I loved her in front of them and I hadn't told her yet. I turned back around to James and saw he looked ashamed and nodded at me.

"Sorry, pads. I know you wouldn't do that. I... I just was worried. She is my daughter I would worry whoever it is. Go talk to her," he said sadly. I turned around and noticed she was gone and the living room door was open. I ran out and saw the door to the garden open. I ran through the open door and ran around the garden looking for her. I couldn't find her and was looking around for her when I noticed a space in the hedge. I went through it and saw a bench a few feet away surrounded by Dahlias. Char was on the bench. I ran over and knelt down in front of her.

"Char," I said taking her hands in mine. She looked at me and was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I was just surprised by what you said. I'm sorry I ran out. I swear I'm not crying out of sadness," she said smiling and wiping her eyes.

"Then why," I said kissing her hands.

"Because I am happy. I didn't know you felt that way for so long," she replied.

"Well, I do. I love you so much," I said sincerely looking into her eyes.

"I love you too," she said before leaning forward and kissing me softly. I moved my arms to around her waist and her arms went around my neck. We pulled back and I rested my head on hers and smiled.

"Well, it is good to know you didn't run away as you didn't feel the same," I replied cheekily. She rolled her eyes and pecked me on the lips.

"We should probably go back. The others will be worried," she said. I nodded and we stood up.

"What was that place?" I ask looking back as we walked through the hedge.

"It is a secluded part of the garden that was made by the last Lady of the house so she could have a place in the garden to herself," she explained.

"Well, at least now I know where to find you," I said smiling. I saw her smirk out the corner of my eyes and look up at me so I turned to face her.

"That isn't the only hiding place in my castle my love," she said smirking before looking back at the house. I hadn't been outside before and I didn't acknowledge how big it was as we went around yesterday. I looked towards the house and realised it was actually a castle. I must have looked shocked as she laughed at me and dragged me back into the castle. I stopped her as we got inside.

"You have a castle?" I asked shocked.

"No," she responded. I looked her in disbelief. "I have seven," she stated. I felt my eyes bulge. She just laughed at me and pulled me along. "I was planning on explaining that to all of you now," she explained. I just followed behind her shaking my head in disbelief.

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