Chapter 14

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"To what?" I ask the boys sitting up straight faking innocence.

"Well, how you know all these things about that dark Lord dude? How you got our parents and family to stop being blood purist? How you get along with our parent's so well? Why have you got so many votes in the Wingardium? Oh and how the FUCKING HELL DO YOU KNOW ALL THE PUREBLOOD CUSTOMS?" Sirius ranted yelling at the end his chest heaving and he sat down.

"He pretty much summed it up," Reg shrugs before sitting down on the other sofa and pulling Sirius down with him.

"Well, as I told you before I can't tell you and it has nothing to do with Dumbledore. I would appreciate it if you would give me some privacy. I may be sharing a house with you and you may be letting me stay here but you aren't entitled to knowing everything about me. I know things about this Dark Lord as I have experience with him. I get along with your parents as I know how they talk and what they mean I also stopped them from making their line extinct so it is only squibs. Now excuse me, I have some things I need to do in preparation for tomorrow," I say standing. But Sirius jumps up and catches my arms and flinch slightly. I ignore his curious gaze.

"You are right you do deserve privacy but you knowing all of this information about this dark Lord is odd, and now you are telling us you have had experience with him. I think that deserves answers," he all but demands. I give him a cold look not enjoying his tone and not enjoying being told what to do. I had enough of that in the future.

"If I had somewhere else to stay I would so take a guess as to  how I have had experience with him. The rest is none of your business," I say before walking away. I went to my room and organised my trunk. I still kept everything important from the future in a bag that I hang around my neck and put a notice me not charm on it. I quickly looked to see who was in the castle. I saw Bumbles in his office and Minnie in hers. I quickly called for Kreacher.

"Yes, Lady Peverell," he said.

"Could you inform your masters that I am going out for a few hours. I will be back for dinner," I said putting my hair up and grabbing my wand.

"Of, course I will inform them. Goodbye Lady Peverell," he said before popping out of the room. I swiftly made my way downstairs before apparating away. I quickly made my way to the headmaster's office.

"Right Dumbles we need to find a ghost," I tell him as I come into his office without knocking.

"Ah, Charlotte, you're here I thought you had forgotten. Now which ghost do we need to see?" he asked smiling at me.

"The Grey Lady. She will be able to tell us what we need to know," I answered. He nodded and we were on our way. I knew where the grey lady was due to the map. I told Dumbles about it and he thought it was ingenious. We quickly found her in an empty corridor near the Ravenclaw dorms.

"Excuse me, but I have a question for you if you would be so kind as to answer Lady Ravenclaw," I announced us bowing in respect. When I looked up at her she was shocked. She nodded. "I was wondering if Tom Riddle had left your mother's Diadem in the room where the lost things go?" I asked.

"... He has, but be warned it won't bring you wisdom like it once did," she tells me gravely after a moment's hesitation.

"I know but I intend to take away the dark magic he put in it. You have been a great help. Maybe you should talk to the bloody baron and listen to his apologies," I suggested before bowing and walking away.

"Do, I want to know?" Dumbles asks me as we walk away. I shake my head. "I presume you know where we are going," he questions.

"I do. We are going to a room that changes to what you need but we are asking for the room that you can hide something," I reply. He nods. As we walk I tell him of how my plan to get the Blacks and other pureblood families to be less prejudice and not follow Voldemort. He is happy they accepted it so easy but knows some of the families will not believe it so easy and it will take longer for them to change sides, but hopefully he will lose some support. We made it to the tapestry of Barnabas the barmy and I walked across the open space of wall three times and a door appeared. I opened it and went inside. There where thousands of piles in the room. Dumble looked astounded. How the hell were we supposed to find it? I had an idea and pushed Dumbles out of the room. I let the door disappear and walked in front of the room again thinking of all the things from the year the Diadem was put in there that was lost. It was considerably smaller in the room now. We decided to split up to find it as it would be quicker. Dumbledore called out to me around twenty minutes later.

"Charlotte, I have found it."

"Coming," I called back and going where his voice seemed to come from. After a few minuets of walking I found him holding a box with the diadem in it.

"Great, now we can destroy it using basilisk venom or fiendfrye. What should we use?" I ask.

"Fiendfrye, we can do it in here. Shall we leave and ask the room for a room that's safe to use fiendfrye," Dumble suggests. I agreed and that's what we did. We laid it down on the ground and went to the door. I shoot the spell at it and quickly slammed the door. We heard a scream and the doors shook. After a few minutes, it stopped and we went back in. The room had obviously had a fire in it. But the diadem was on the ground seemingly unaffected. We picked it up and brought it up to his office.

"Well, my dear it seems one of Tom's Horcruxes is gone from the world," he says sitting down after placing the diadem in a case.

"Yes, now it is the locket, diary, ring, cup and maybe the snake," I list off.

He hums in agreement before asking, "Do, you happen to know where any of them are?"

"Well, the ring is at the Gaunt shack, diary and cup I haven't a clue but the snake I don't believe is a Horcrux yet," I answer.

"Well, we can get the ring another day. We have already got rid of one today. I also believe you promised to be home for dinner. You are welcome to use my floo," he replies with a laugh as I rush to the floo.

"Okay, well I will see you another day Albus. Thanks for the floo powder," I say to him before dropping the floo and calling out Grimmauld place. I dusted myself off and stood up. Kreacher then popped in.

"You are late for dinner," he tells me straight away.

"Sorry for the delay Kreacher I got caught up," I apologise. He just nodded and took my cloak before popping out. I chuckled at him and walk to the dining room.

A.N: Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the late update have been incredibly busy next week I should update better than I have. I actually have two alevels tomorrow so won't be updating until Mocks are done.

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