Chapter 5

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Bella murmured the password and the portrait swung open. We walked in and people started to stare but it didn't bother me I was used to it, so I carried on walking confidently across the room. They walked me over to the others and Lucius stood up.

"Lady Peverell, such a please to see you again. I trust your shopping went well," he says as greeting.

"Oh, it went fine thank you, Lord Malfoy. It is nice to see you again as well even if it is a surprise," I smile taking his hand which he raises to his hand and kisses smirking. Oh, how I could slap that smirk off his face. 

"Right well, I suppose I'm not supposed to tell the others how to get in here," I say sitting down on the sofa.

"Nope," Avery responds glaring at me.

"Well, then I feel privileged to be here," I smile.

"What makes you think you can bring a Gryffindor in here," an older student snarls storming over.

"Well, other houses go into the others common rooms," I shrug.

"But you're a Gryffindor," he glares.

"Look I am here get over it," I bite out, standing and glaring at him.

"Well, I won't," he says pointing his wand at me but before he can do anything I whipped my wand out and shot a stinging hex at his hand he threw his wand out his hand and I caught it.

"You should learn to respect those better than you and to realise when you are in the presence of one," I sneered at him before chucking him his wand and turning to the others.

"As lovely as this has been I need to put away my shopping and change before dinner," I excuse myself with a fake smile.

"Sure, let me walk you out," Narcissa said politely as the door was literally across the room. I smile at her.

"You and Lucius make a cute couple," I comment smiling at her. She blushes and opens the door. "See you later," I say before leaving. I quickly walk to the common room. When I come in I am dragged upstairs and basically thrown on my bed.

"Are you okay did they hurt you?" One of them asked they were all yelling questions so it was hard to understand them.

"I'm fine," I say calmly standing up and taking out my shopping. "I even went to their common room. I didn't stay long some boy in one of the years above made a fuss," I shrug.

"Did they hex you?" Peter asks worriedly.

"No, didn't get the chance I stung him before he could," I reply sniggering slightly. I hear the boys sigh in relief. "Getting attached boys," I ask smiling. 

"What of course not," James scoffs but I just pinch his cheek making him swat my hand away again.

I finish packing away and by that time it is dinner. When we get down there the only chairs left are near Lily, Alice, Marlene and Mary. I saw James grin and the others laugh. We sat down next to them.

"So, Lily what do you take?" I asked.

"Oh, um, Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Herbology, Defence against the dark arts, Ancient Ruin, Arithmancy and Muggle studies. What about you?" she replied.

"Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Defence, Herbology, Ancient Ruins, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination," I answer.

"You do COM?" Marlene asked shocked.

"Yeah, why?" I said confused.

"You just don't seem like the type to do that. You wear makeup and look clean," she spoke hesitantly not trying to offend me.

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