Chapter 13

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A.N: That is Narcissa

"What!" Bellatrix splutters surprised.

"You heard your father, now Charlotte has found out there will be a Halloween and Valentines ball next year," Druelle changes the subject. "The valentines one will be in Georgian style. So we are all going shopping tomorrow to get the dresses before the letter gets out and all the good ones are gone. Who knew having the headmaster as a friend would be helpful," Druella muses lightly.

This got Narcissa's attention at once, "Two ball's. Halloween and Valentines. I will tell the others in a few days so that we still get the best but they don't look awful," Narcissa decides.

"If you do that Cissa then everyone will know as they will tell other's," I point out.

"You're right. What are you going to wear? Also, do you know if it is a costume party or just a ball?" Cissa asks excitedly.

"Halloween is just a ball but you can put aspects of Halloween on or you can have a costume. I already know what dresses I will be wearing but I haven't got shoes or know how to put my hair. I will mainly be looking for shoes," I reply.

"What are you going to wear?" Bella questions.

"In my vault, there are some dresses that will work for the valentines as they are from the time and Halloween I have a dress that works perfectly I just have to check where it is."

"Can we please change the subject?" Orion pleads.

"Yes, let's how do you know all of this Charlotte?" Sirius asks looking at me, which brought everyone's attention to me.

"I am allowed to have secret's I haven't told your parents how I know so I am not telling you. Also, Dumbledore is not how I know before you ask," I tell them unaffected by the stares. Sirius and Bella huffed annoyed while the others just went back to their food. "When is the next Wizengamot meeting? I realised I need to attend it as I have voted," I ask Orion.

"It is next week so you will still be with me at that point. Why do you have to go isn't it usually the head of the house?" he replies confused.

"Yes, but I am the head as no one else in the house is alive. Do you think you could come with me Lord Black as I haven't gone to one before so it would be easier if I had someone with me?" I ask him polietly.

"Of course. We can floo there together. If you don't mind me asking how many votes do you have?" he says curiously.

I thought for a moment as I didn't have as many as I would in the future. "I believe I have twelve but I could be wrong," I reply nonchalantly. I heard someone drop their cutlery and someone else splutter. Orions eyes go wide before he calms his expression.

"Well, I believe you would be most influential at the meeting. It is in eight days. It starts at nine in the morning but we must be there for eight thirty. We will floo to the ministry at ten past so we may talk to people beforehand. I will speak to as many of the families that were thinking of joining him as I can to try and change their minds. Hopefully, it will discourage people from joining. I know it will change things drastically," he answers.

"That sounds agreeable. I will be ready for ten past eight in eight days time," I reply. He nods and starts talking to Cynus about something. I feel a poke in my side and turn to face Reg.

"We are talking about this later," he mummers quietly. I nod discretely.

"What time were you thinking to go shopping?" Cissa asks me.

"We could meet at ten and then stop for lunch once we found the dresses as you don't want to try them on bloated. I that okay with you?" I answer turning to face her.

"It's fine for me but these two might struggle to wake that early," she teases her sisters. They roll their eyes.

"I don't think I am coming Cissa, I don't feel like it," Andromeda informs us.

"Nonsense you are going you might be able to find a husband. At least now you can marry anyone you want so you have plenty of choices and don't have to worry about stepping on another families toes as much," Druella said overhearing her daughters comment. That seemed to cheer Andy up and I remember Siri telling me she had married a muggle-born. She is probably dating him already and excited that she can date him publicly soon. I smiled at her and then started talking with Bella about school work.

"We get our results in four days are you nervous?" she asks smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I am sure I will do fine. In fact, I even told Siri I would buy him the latest broom if I didn't get all O's," I reply.

"So confident, I don't we should tell the other boys or they will all try and get in on that deal as they don't think you will. I am curious what does Sirius have to do when you win?" she questions with a glint in her eye.

"IF. If she wins Bella. She might not," Sirius buts in.

"I haven't decided yet. But it will be fabulous, well for us. It will be awful for him," I answer her question ignoring Sirius. Bella giggles and we start to discuss things I could force him to do laughing at his paling face. It is soon time to leave. When we get back Orion and Walburga go straight to their living room and the boys drag me into their locking the door and sit me on the couch looking at me determined.

"Yes?" I ask with a raised eyebrow not feeling intimidated at all.

"We want answers," they say in unison.

A.N: Hope you enjoy this chapter. How will shopping go? Review and tell me what you think or any things you want to read. I might be able to put them in the story. Obviously, they might not show up in the next chapter but I will tell you when they will.

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