I also woke before any of the Prewett's. Last night had been Arthur and Moll's date night so Bill and Charlie had slept around. Seen as I woke before the others, I told them to put them in my room so when they woke early I could deal with them and let the others sleep. As predicted the boys woke early. So I took them downstairs and made them breakfast. When the twins came down as they now got up early as we were leaving to shop early I made them keep an eye on the boys so I could get changed. I then got Charlie changed. Mr and Mrs Prewett came down at ten to ten and told me to stop and that she would get the twins to change him so she could talk to me. Turns out she had seen my scars and asked the twins. Once she found out what they were from she offered me scar salve but I told her it was alright they didn't bother me and just proved to me how strong I was. After that, she went back inside suspiciously teary-eyed and Charlie came running out. So I picked him up and showed him things in the garden. I was blowing raspberries on his belly when I heard someone coughing by the house. I turned and saw all the boys looking at me and smirking.
"Well, Char I didn't know you were so maternal," Sirius said laughing.
"This is nothing, you should see me with a baby. I am sooo much like a mama bear it's ridiculous," I replied putting Charlie on my hip. He hid his face in my shoulder. "Hey, none of that. Now, these are some of mine and your uncle's friends. The one with the long hair is Sirius, the one with glasses is James, the one with the brown hair in Remus and the smaller one is Peter. They are very nice and might play with you one day. But right now I am going shopping with them for Hogwarts, so I will see you later okay," I said to Charlie. He waved at the other before leaning close to me.
"I don't want you to go," he said sadly.
"Well, I don't want to leave you either, but I have to get ready for school and shop. Tell you what how about I get you and Bill something while I am out and if you are good I will let you have it if not it goes to your uncles," I suggested. He nods quickly before leaning into me.
"Thank you. Have fun and make sure you spend lots of time shopping to annoy my uncles," he whispered in my ear. I just laughed kissed his head and went inside. I handed Charlie over to Mrs Prewett and gave Bill a hug goodbye before getting a bag and cloak. Unfortunately, I had to wear expensive clothes while I was out to uphold my name and look regal. The boys found it funny, I did not so decide to listen to Charlie's idea.
We quickly flooed to the leaky cauldron and went on our way. We had got our school lists the day before and had all agreed to meet at the Prewetts at ten to leave. We went to Gringotts first so they could all get out some money. I stayed in the foyer while they did this. When we came outside we went and got our books, then our potions ingredients for those of us who took potions, then we went to the sweet shop were I did get something for Bill and Charlie, I had also got them both books. Charlie a children's book on dragons and Bill an adventure book. We spent most of our time in the robe shop because all the boys had a growth spurt. I hadn't and just needed a lot of clothes but luckily I didn't need measuring so I just had to go around and pick before giving Madame Malkin my size and she would owl them to me. They wouldn't be ready until school but I had enough clothes until then. I also brought a thicker cloak as it was going to be colder as well as some gloves and a hat. Once that was done we went to the Quidditch shop were I brought the latest model and reminded myself to invest in the Nimbus and Firebolt company. I quickly went into Gringotts and did this while the boys carried on looking. I told them I was going to buy some beauty products and they waved me off.
We had skipped lunch so after shopping we decided to find somewhere quieter than the leaky cauldron for lunch on one of the side streets. Unfortunately for the boys, I hadn't gone down the side street's much so I did make them go in them after lunch. Lunch itself was fun, the food was delicious and the boys all kept making me laugh. Eventually, Peter and Remus had to leave. James and Sirius said they were fine and expected they would be out most the day and only needed to be home for dinner. So, they were both also stuck with the twins going to all the shops we had passed while on our way to lunch. We stopped in a Jewellers, where I got a self-updating catalogue, a second-hand store again I got a catalogue, we found nothing but it was still interesting. The boys wouldn't let me go into clothing stores and said it was for a girls shopping trip and they weren't girls. We went into the pet store as the boys realised I didn't have a pet. I decided to get an Owl, I did see another animal that was interesting but I didn't buy it, although was tempted. Once I had brought my owl and all the things it needed we left for home.
The twins were once again glad by my undetectable extension charm and when we got back we put our stuff away. The boys were still there and I after I found out they had been well behaved they got their chocolate. I decided to keep their books until Christmas and order Molly and Arthur something from the catalogues. I went to bed that night exhausted.
A.N: I know it was a short chapter, but I am going to do a time skip so next episode they are going back to Hogwarts.

Turn of events
FanfictionFem-harry. Charlotte goes back in time at the end of fifth year. What will she do when she will never go home. Well, attend Hogwarts with her parents of course. Passing exams, destroying Horcruxes and Tom, keeping her identity hidden and making peac...