Chapter 33

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A.N: Two in one day on a roll.

Charlotte POV:

The next morning I came down into the common room to go exercise and saw James, Siri, Remus and Peter all waiting on the sofa. When they saw me they jumped up, but I just ignore them and head for the portrait hole.

"Charlotte can you please wait and talk to us," Remus asked pleading with me.

"Fine but only because you asked as I am less annoyed with you than the others," I sigh, "But only marginally," I remind him before sitting in the armchair.

"We want to say sorry for what we did to Snape," Sirius started hesitantly looking at his hands and fiddling with them nervously. "It was wrong and we had no right and my reason for doing so was wrong," he finished looking at me hopefully looking up at me but deflated when he saw me glaring.

"As touching as that rehearsed apology was. You did nothing wrong to ME. So you don't need to apologise to ME. The fact you are doing so shows you are brighter idiots than I thought," I huffed standing up.

"Well we are apologising to YOU because we want YOU to talk to us," Sirius said looking at the others as if I was mental. I rolled my eyes.

"Merlin you are all thick," I muttered before leaving.

"Does this mean we are good?" Sirius called to me just as I was about to step out the common room.

"We are as okay as you are with the idea of me shaving your hair," I glared at him before leaving. 


Due to the anger, I had at the boys my exercise regime lasted longer than planned and into the start of breakfast. So I quickly transfigured a robe and wrapped it around myself before going into the dining hall. I snatched up a stack of toast and a few apples before walking to the common room. When I walked into my current bedroom the boys were still asleep. I took an apple and two pieces of toast.

"Boys! Get up. I even brought you toast and apples," I called out. They all slowly woke up and thanked me for the toast. I showered while they ate and when they came out I got dressed in my usual uniform but pit my hair into a half up half down bun. When they got dressed I did my makeup in the bathroom. We walked down and had breakfast, well the boys had more I mainly had fruit and some coffee. I sat down and ignored the boys.

However, it seemed one of them had figured out the clue I tried to give them earlier. As when we left the dining hall and met up with the Slytherins to go to potions, the boys stopped.

"Severus, we want to apologise," James calls out. We all stopped and stared.

"What we did was wrong. We humiliated you because we were bored and continued due to what you called Lily. Even though it was not our place. I was the one who imitated it so I am sorry," Sirius said. "Also, Lily I am sorry for not listening. I hope you both can forgive me."

"I am sorry for participating in the bullying and treating you like that. I hope you can forgive me and I promise to never do that again. Lily, I am sorry that I didn't listen and tried to defend you when you didn't want me to," James apologised.

"We are sorry for not stopping them. Even though we didn't participate we didn't stop them," Remus said speaking for him and Peter who also looked sorry and was nodding. We all turned to look at Snape.

"I suppose I can forgive you. For two reasons. One because it is the only time you apologised and I don't want to seem like git for not taking what I can get. And two because I know Charlotte will hit me if I don't accept as we know how hard that was for you to do. However, I need to apologise as well. I have before but Lily I am sorry for calling you that. You were trying to help I had no right," Snape said looking to Lily at the end.

"I suppose I can forgive you all. Mainly for the same reasons as Sev. Just none of you do it again," she sighed but the upturn if her lips showed she wasn't really as annoyed as she showed.

"Yay, now you have all made up," I said clapping my hands before taking Bellas arm. "Now hurry we are going to be late for potions," I sing over my shoulder and me and Bella snickered when we heard them run to I catch up.


"Are you feeling alright Charlotte you didn't eat much at breakfast?" Lily asked.

"Oh, I'm fine I had some toast and an apple in my room. You see the boys tried to apologise to me before I left o exercise this morning. But I was passed off they hadn't apologised to sev yet. So I left and as I was angry I had more energy I had to burn off so exercised for longer. By the time I made it back inside breakfast had just started being served so I took a plate of toast and four apples and went up to the room so Frank, Fabe, Gid and I could eat something. So I wasn't really hungry," I explained as we waited outside the potions room.

"Do you exercise every morning?" Lily asked curiously.

"Yeah, She always woke us when she came in so we wouldn't miss breakfast. Never brought us any," James huffed jealously.

"Well, usually I am not late," I smirk, "Besides to keep in shape it is good to exercise. Soon enough the boys are going to be in worse shape than me. I mean they eat poorly whereas I have a balanced diet. Also, I exercise whereas they don't. And quidditch doesn't count," I say when I see Siri and James open their mouths.

"It does," Sirius defends himself.

"You sit on your ass the whole time, the only thing that gets a workout is your arms and barely your abdominal muscles," I argue.

"Abdonminoes?" James mutters. Making me roll my eyes.

"I seriously doubt you would be in better shape," Nott snorted interrupting us.

"Siri, James, lift your shirts and show us your stomach muscles," I asked with a raised eyebrow. They blushed but did so. They were in shape and if they tensed they had the beginning of a six-pack. When they lowered their shirts I untucked my shirt and lifted it where my stomach relaxer was more ripped than the boys when tense and when I tensed my six-pack was very obvious.

"Well, looks like I was wrong and I am actually in better shape than the boys," I teased before tucking my shirt in.

"Okay, that is unacceptable we are going to start exercising James. She can't be in better shape than us," Sirius declares annoyed.

"So, you are going to get up at six o'clock every morning apart from Sunday's to come exercise with me?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yep," Sirius said nodding. I snorted and walked into the room mumbling doubts under my breath.


The rest of the day was better as we were all talking. I had a free lesson before lunch so I managed to move my stuff back in the boy's room. Everything was back to normal, well as normal as it ever was with our lot. However, everyone was talking about the ball and thinking about what it would look like. I did take some people ideas to use. The girls were discussing their dresses, which I refused to tell them what my dress and mask looked like and dates.

Ah, yes dates the awful experience of the yule ball when I just ended up going with Ron as best friends as I didn't trust any other boys not to use it for fame. James asked Lily of course. She said no of course. Although she didn't yell at him so we saw it as an improvement, which I and the girls teased her about relentlessly. So he decided to be the bigger person and ask someone else instead. I had been asked by a number of people but I turned them down as I decided to go solo. The girls thought I had a crush and that they hadn't asked me so was holding out. Remus had asked a Hufflepuff girl. Sirius was going with Marlene and Lily with a Ravenclaw boy who had asked. Peter asked a Hufflepuff girl. It was fifth years and over unless a fourth-year got asked. Everyone was excited as it was a masquerade ball and the school hadn't had one in years. I had been planning it for days. I couldn't tell everyone what I was doing for the day so I lied and told them I was helping Poppy all day with sorting out the files of injuries and Dumbledore had given me the day off timetable. They brought the lie. Although I did say I was getting ready in the Slytherin rooms and told Bella and Cissy I was getting ready in Gryffindor. So I am now on my way to the hall half an hour after breakfast to start getting the hall ready. Lunch is being taken in the common rooms. Let's do this.

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