Chapter 22

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A.N: It starts in Remus point of view.

I wake up to the sound of screaming. I rush out of my room. As I open my door, so does Sirius, James and Peter we all look at each other before running into Charlotte's room. It must be her who is screaming. We run in wands drawn and se her screaming and thrashing on her bed. She is having a nightmare. It must be horrible. She sounded in so much pain. I rush over and hold her down.

"Charlotte, Charlotte, you're alright. You're safe Charlotte," I keep repeating while holding her down. "Guys, a little help," I say turning to them. It's like my words jolt them awake and they spring into action. Pete helped hold down her legs while James holds her arms trying to stop her from lashing out at herself and us. Sirius strokes her hair and keeps saying she is safe and to wake up. It takes a few tense minutes before she wakes up. We let go as she is still scared and Sirius is still repeating himself and trying to provide gentle touches. When she is fully awake she sits up quickly. When she sees us she must realise what happened and launches into James' arms.

"Char, are you okay," he asks her quietly rubbing her back.

"I had a nightmare," I hear her whisper but realised I was the only one. I told the others and after a few minutes, she calms down and releases him. She sits up and wipes her eyes.

Sirius hesitantly holds her hand and asks, "Do you want to tell us what was it about?"

"Just memories. Sorry for waking you," she says smiling slightly but it was weak.

"Don't be absurd, we couldn't let you keep screaming. If you need us just come to ask. Besides, it's the first time you have ever woken us. We wake you all the time talking," James tells her kindly. Which gives me a thought.

"Char, did you have nightmares at school?" I ask. She looks down guilty. "You put up silencing spells. Didn't you. Charlotte you aren't doing that next year, if you have a nightmare promise me to wake one of us," I order sternly. She nods reluctantly.

"Right, well I am not going to be able to sleep so I'm going to read a book. Go back to bed guys," she decides standing up. We all give her a hug and go to bed.

Char POV:

I am downstairs sitting on the sofa looking at the fire after my nightmare. I am glad the boys had comforted me but annoyed they know as I couldn't keep my silencing spells now. I had done it at school and the Black's house but I was too tired tonight so I forgot. I had nightmares daily now. I have been down here for an hour or so when I hear the living room door open. I turn to see Sirius.

"I told you I'm fine," I say turning back to the fire. He sits down next to me. I realise he was watching me and turn to him.

"Have you had nightmares at my house?" he asks. I nod. "Do you have them every night?" he asks. I nod again reluctantly. He sighs looking into the fire for a few moments before looking back at me. "Right, I know you promised moony you would go to him, but he sleeps badly. Come and wake me. Besides, I used to have nightmares about my family, so I know sometimes you need to sit in silence and sometimes you just need someone to hold you," he requests.

"Okay, I promise to come to you," I agree. He nods before speaking again.

"Good, now do you want me to just sit here, hold you or take your mind off it?"

"Can you hold me please?" I ask hesitantly. He holds out his arms and I move to next to him sideways so my legs spread on the sofa while my upper body lays on his chest. We sit there for a while him holding me and rubbing my arm. Eventually, we fall asleep. I wake up the next morning to the boys banging the door open. I quickly stand up and point my wand at them.

"Merlin's ball's you scared me to death," I say sitting down tiredly. They come in and noticed Sirius.

"What's he doing here?" James questions furrowing his brow.

"He came to check on me an hour after I came down last night and we fell asleep," I explain before throwing a pillow at him. He wakes with a start. "Right, well. He's up now. I'm going to get ready for the day," I say leaving the room.

"Where did she hide her wand I didn't even notice it last night," I hear Sirius ask tiredly. I chuckle and carry on to my room to have a shower. I spend a long time under the hot spray. I take care in washing my hair. I hadn't deep shampooed it in a long time. I had unfortunately inherited my dad's messy hair and it was curly as anything when it was dry. Not like Bella, it was wavier than that. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I go into my room and quickly put on some clothes and put my hair up in a bun so it is out of my way. I go into the living room and found the boys were all in there and dressed I sit down on the floor next to James.

"Right, just so you are aware we aren't informing Charles or Dora about the nightmare's and if any of you tell them I promise you next year will be terrifying," I threaten.

"What will you do?" James scoffs raising an eyebrow.

"I will put Lily against you, Remus I will curse you so all chocolate taste like dirt, Peter same with you but for sugar quills, Sirius I will mess with your hair in so many ways people will forget what it once looked like," I tell them. They all paled.

"I think Bella has been giving her lessons," Sirius whispers harshly with his hands on his head.

"Oh, no she hasn't I thought it up myself but I will enlist her help if one of you so much as whisper about the nightmare's to James' parents," I responded glaring. They nod in submission.

"I never realised how scary she is," Sirius says to James.

"That's with more sleep than usual," I murmured. When the house-elf calls us in for breakfast the boys sprint into the room. 

At breakfast, Dora asks what we are going to be doing in the next two weeks. The boys say their plans. I ask Charles and Dora if they would allow Remus and I to show the others muggle London as we were going to meet up with the other girls in our year. Dora agrees thinking it is a wonderful idea. I owl the girls and organised a day for all of us to meet. 


The first week we did just mess around and organise some pranks for next year. Unfortunately, by the weekend of the first week, we were at James' Remus was getting grumpy as the full moon was on Tuesday. I remember him telling me he found out Lemon tea with honey helped. I ask the elves to make him some. He drinks it happily saying it helps with the headaches. Soon enough it came to the night of the full moon. Everything is fine. But I have to figure out how to tell the boys I was an animagus.

A.N: Last chapter for today. I hope you liked it.

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