Chapter 42

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A.N: Enjoy my lovelies, comments are always appreciated so I know what you want to see more of. But I am not much of an active reader myself so I understand it isn't for everyone.

Charlotte POV:

It was Saturday morning and instead of exercising like usual I was at Quidditch practice. We had a game Friday against Hufflepuff. So, we were practising really hard. I didn't have much to do as I was the seeker. So I just flew around and caught the snitch as much as possible. Once I had caught it five times I started to try and distract the other players. Overall, it was good practice. The rest of the week practice was every day for at least half an hour. We all wanted to kill him by Friday.


After breakfast, we walked down to the changing rooms and got changed. Soon the game started. I missed Lee and his commentary it always made me laugh. I zoned out of the game as not much was happening and focused on the snitch.

I had been flying around for nearly an hour now and the only excitement was when I thought I had seen the snitch but it was someones watch. When I suddenly saw a flash of gold by the opposing team's goal post. I subtly flew towards the goal post trying not too dar attention to me. I quickly dived towards the snitch. I saw the Hufflepuff seeker a few feet behind me. The snitch flew up across the pitch. We both went after it. We were neck and neck and the snitch flew up. I turned easier than the Hufflepuff seeker so was in front of him. I caught the snitch levelled out smiling.

Just as I turned to face my team my whole world went black.

Sirius' POV:

"And Charlotte Peverell caught the snitch!"

I whip my head around and see Charlotte grin and turn to us. But my excitement fades when I see her get hit in the back of the head by a buldger and fall from her broom. I can't move. I just watch her body fall to the ground. Five feet from the ground she starts to slow down but not enough and when she lands the ground I see it looks softer. I somehow land and run to her along with all the other players. Before we reach her she is on a stretcher and making her way towards the castle.

"I know you are all worried but it is best that Madame Pomfrey heals her and check the damage. You are welcome to go wait for news. It seemed the buldger that hit her was flying around and had not yet stopped so targeted Charlotte. It was no one's fault," Dumbledore said sadly. His eyes didn't hold their usual twinkle, in fact, the man looked the saddest I have ever seen him.

"Thank you, professor," James said nodding and we all ran towards the hospital wing. When we got there the doors were closed and wouldn't open.

"DAMMIT," I yelled and punched a wall.

"Getting yourself injured won't help pads. She will be fine. Poppy can fix anything," James said sitting on the ground. I sigh knowing there is no point in arguing and sit next to him. It seems we were the fastest up here but that didn't matter as a moment later the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was up the stairs, with Peter and Remus behind them.

"She had spelt the door shut so we are waiting here," James said into the silence. They all nodded and sat down on the floor or lent on the wall. No one talked all too worried about our friend. I don't know how long we were waiting before the doors open. All of our heads snapped to the door. When Poppy saw us all she smiled.

"She will be fine. She fractured her wrist on the fall along with a few of her ribs. If Albus hadn't of slowed her down and cushioned the ground she would have died. Her spine will be sore making it painful to walk for too long the next few days and she will have a concussion I am not sure to what extent until she wakes up. You may come in to see her," she said going back into the room and leaving the door open. We practically ran into the room. She looked so small on the bed. She was so pale and her dark hair was around her face just making it even more obvious. The team left after a few minutes to tell the rest of the house. The boys and I stayed for longer then Poppy came out.

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