A.N: That is Orion
The next morning I woke up and got showered and dressed. I went downstairs and saw no one but Kreacher was up.
"Good morning Lady Peverell. What would you like for breakfast?" he asks smiling slightly.
"Just some toast and a fried egg, please. I am going to send a letter quickly," I answer before going and getting some paper from the desk by the window. I quickly wrote Dumbles a letter asking him about the balls. As I shut the window Orion and Walburga came downstairs.
"Oh, good morning Charlotte. We didn't expect you to be awake usually the boys sleep until half-way through the day on the first day after the break," Orion comments chuckling.
"Sirius would do it every day if he could. I wake up early at school to exercise. I frequently had to find ways to wake Sirius and the others up so they wouldn't be late. My favourite was when I poured cold water on him. Never seen someone jump so high," I laugh sitting down as Kreacher set our breakfast out. He must already know what they want.
"Yes, I heard about this. You have to share with the boys because the school wouldn't place a bed in the girl's room. Why didn't they put you in a spare room?" Walburga asks curiously.
"Yes, well Hogwarts refused to open any of the rooms or move the bed. It was awkward at first but the boys are all respectful and if I have sealed the curtains closed or locked the bathroom door they don't come in. They are very friendly and I trust them. Also, I have always gotten along better with boys than girls. I believe it is because I am too blunt and I don't focus on my looks that much. Also, I would track mud into the room when I played Quidditch or was taking care of the animals that were near the school," I respond with a shrug making myself a cup of tea.
"You like Quidditch. What position?" Orion questions shocked. I suppose they haven't seen me look like anything but a pureblood lady.
"Seeker," I answer smiling slightly.
"Well, hopefully, I get to see you play one day," Orion suggests.
"Perhaps. I might play with the boys one day. Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday but when Sirius goes to the Potter's I will be going with him as I am staying at the Potter's for the next week and then staying with some other friends. So you don't have to put up with me the whole summer," I reply.
"How lovely for you. But I am sure you wouldn't have been any trouble at all," Walburga says waving her hand at the end. Just then the boys came down looking tired.
"Morning boys," I greet going to the window. They murmured a morning sitting down. Not a moment later a bird flew into the window and landed on the stand I gave it a treat and took the letter and it flew away.
"Oh, it looks like Albus is planning a Halloween and Valentine's Day ball is going to be old-fashioned. So Georgian type dresses. How fun," I tell them smiling.
"Well, we should go for our dresses soon so the dressmaker isn't rushing it. Shall we leave to meet the others in day two hours," Walburg decides.
"Only if that's fine with them," I reply.
"It will be fine. Now let's hope everyone is ready on time," she says glancing at the boys who were tiredly eating their breakfast. I giggled before sitting down to eat the rest of mine. The boys had to quickly get ready to leave when they finished.
We left two hours later. We flooded to their house and I stood to the side as Reg came in after me. "Brother, this is Lady Peverell. She is Sirius' roommate. Somehow," she says to her brother Cygnus Black before carrying on her train of thought, "She is staying with us for two weeks this summer."
"Oh yes, my children were telling me about you. How you a Gryffindor say with them at the Slytherin table by choice," he comments raising an eyebrow silently asking me if it was true.
"I did. Sometimes you need a change of pace. Besides, I said I would continue to be friends with them no matter the house before I was sorted," I nod my head. He nodded back at me.
"Right well that's not what we are here for. Lady Peverell has something to discuss with you. If you don't mind without the children for now," Orion said. They were reluctant to agree but did so. The conversation with them went the same. They were outraged at what I told them. They were furious in the fact they nearly got ordered around by a half-blood trying to kill other half-bloods. They were shocked inbreeding would have meant they produced Squibs and immediately tried to make sure that Narcissa and Bellatrix weren't closely related to Malfoy and Lestrange. They were in agreement with Orion and Walburga. Lunch was ready by the time and we went out to the dining room. We sat down and a few moments later the others came in.
"Was your meeting pleasant?" Narcissa asked.
"See, Sirius that is how a Slytherin asks how the meeting went when their actual question was trying to find out what happened without actually asking," I say smirking. He just glared at me while Reg and his parents laugh.
"It was good. Charlotte informed us about this Voldemort fellow and how he is actually a half-blood. So he is not having any followers I will be bringing it up at the next Wingardium meeting. Also, we found out that by marrying our close relatives it could create squibs and is making fewer wizards the natural abilities some wizards have. We checked and Narcissa and Bellatrix you aren't closely related to your intended so you will still be marrying them. Andromeda, you can marry anyone you wish as long as they aren't to closely related even a muggle. We are no longer a prejudiced family and you will act it," Cygnus half-informed half ordered his children. They were shocked, just like Siri and Reg were.

Turn of events
FanficFem-harry. Charlotte goes back in time at the end of fifth year. What will she do when she will never go home. Well, attend Hogwarts with her parents of course. Passing exams, destroying Horcruxes and Tom, keeping her identity hidden and making peac...