Chapter 19

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A.N: So I have been going back to update chapters. I have got to here as of the 20/10/2020. Hopefully, they have been better. I haven't changed much apart from grammar.

"I know many of you agree with the idea that vampire, werewolves, goblins, fairies, veela, high elves and many more shouldn't have rights like we as witches and wizards do. But many of you seem to have forgotten that it used to be considered an honour to have one of these in your blood. Yes, many werewolves are the result of being bitten not born. But, we all know this is due to the werewolf Greyback who likes to prey on children. By them not having rights you are making it so that children who were forced to become what they once feared to have no rights. I ask, what if it was your child, would you trust them how you treat other children," I begin to explain. I can tell some of them are thinking about it but aren't sure as of yet. "Goblins they have so few rights yet we let them handle our money as we know they protect it like no others. All I learn in history is how good they are at wars and how strong their armour is. But, we still treat them as lesser beings. Surely, you have realised this will create another war. When I go into Gringotts I greet them with a proper greeting, which shocked them, again it seems many of you have forgotten the old ways. The ways in which many of you at one point looked down on muggle-borns for not knowing," I point out knowing that wizards are usually blind to hypocrisy. "Vampires. Yes, they drink blood, but not always human. I know many vampires who go to the muggle world and drink from the blood banks due to muggle-borns knowing about them and wanting to help them. The government puts hunting parties out for them. In England, many children go to Hogwarts and learn how to kill vampires, recognise them. It seems everyone has forgotten there was vampire blood in the Ravenclaw line. It is a known fact vampires blood can heal many things we are unable to and some have their own magical gifts," I remind them. "Veela. In France they are treated like royalty yet here they are barely allowed a wand. They are human but have an allure. If I am not mistaken there is Vella blood in three of the houses here. Actually, I have it on record if you all went back far enough all of you have creature blood in you. It was seen as an honour to be the mate of one if you were a normal Witch or Wizard. These creatures should not be held back due to what they were born or had forced upon them. If we do this we are like the muggles that used to believe in witches and burn them. Some of the ways they identified witches was obscured. I am not saying all muggles are evil. I am saying by doing this by discriminating we are no better than the muggles who discriminated against our kind. Turning them away giving them less right will make them turn away from us and if given the chance to join someone who promises them more than what they have," I pause before making my final argument. "We need to make allies in them treat them like us. I understand the Goblins are hard to deal with but that is why they are best to make deals with. If we pass this law, discussions will need to be made to see what we should change how we can help. Blood banks for vampires. Wolfsbane potion for werewolves who don't have somewhere to go on a full moon. These are just a few of the things we can do to create better relations between us. I have called them creatures while fighting for their right to be put on the same level as us. It seems discriminating but if I call them humans I am wrong. Yes, they think and feel like us. They have human souls. But I don't see creatures as a derogatory term but a gift from magic to be able to do some of the things they can," I say sitting down. I had been preparing that speech for two days. I knew how much it would mean to Remus if he would be able to have a job later in life. No one had moved and seemed to be contemplating what I had said.

"Would anyone like to oppose Lady Peverell or ask any questions or shall we go straight to the vote?" Dumbledore asks after a few moments of silence. No one moved to say anything so we went straight to the vote. Ten people were against the law passing but even with just my votes, the law would pass. However, it seemed everyone agreed with me, I knew Malfoy was voting for it due to his debt and perhaps some other families of the dark side. I don't care as long as it passed. "Well, that settles it. The law passed. Next time we will be looking into what we can do to improve relations between us and the creatures. That brings an end to the Wizengamot meeting," Albus announces standing. We all start to leave but I walk towards Lord Potter. I had already told Lord Black I would make my own way home but still sent to him and Lord Malfoy a nod of recognition before I left.

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