Chapter 34

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I went into the hall and saw Dumbles in there already with around five house-elves.

"Ah, good morning my dear. Are you excited?" he asked.

"Well, excited, but I am also scared that it will look awful," I replied grinning.

"I am sure you will do fine. Now, these house-elves are going to be here for the first lesson, so you can organise where the tables, will be. Also, during the third lesson, the weird sisters are getting here so the stage needs to be done. Other than that do it in any order. Now, I figured getting ready in my private chambers would be easier for you," he said.

"Okay, sure I can do that. I have my things in my pocket," I shrugged. I had opted to wear some mum jeans and a baggy jumper so I was comfortable for the day. Dumbledore left telling me he would be back throughout the day. I and the house elves thought we could put the tables in fifteen big circular tables that around twenty could fit on. When we organised it so that there were enough tables for everyone to sit at the elves left. The hall did expand so they could fit and there still be space in the middle. I made it so the tables were in lines against the walls so that people could get in the doors and no tables were in front of the doors or stage.

When that was done I decided to start with the ceiling. I made it so that the sky was showing all the stars. However, I charmed it so every once in a while a ghost or swarm of bats would go across it. For lights I made pumpkins float over where the candles usually did and had hands come out of the walls and hold candles that were red so when they melt it would look like blood dripping. Then I did some big decorations and would work around them. I had statues in the corners as well as a suit of armour which was going to guard the door. These would jump or make noises at random times. I knew that I had to get the stage done soon. I made the stage three foot off the ground. I then charmed it so that mist would raise up around five inches and later pour off onto the floor as the floor would have the same. Lights were coming out of the side of the stage. I positioned a suit of armour on each side of the stage that acted as speakers to whatever the song would be. Above the stage, I had put up the spotlights of purple, black, orange and green. Behind the stage on the wall, I put a collage that had a scene from the forbidden forest and looked like hall opened up of a starry night with a full moon. I had a werewolf on a ledge howling to the moon, a vampire creating a potion. There were centaurs stargazing in a herd. Spiders in their corner of the forest. There were as many creatures as possible were on the wall without squishing them. When I finished I made it so that parts of the forest glowed in certain places to make it look like there were eyes.

Once I had finished I looked at my plans to see what else I could do. However, soon Dumbledore came back in with a band.

"Ah, it is looking amazing so far Charlotte," Dumbledore said looking around.

"Thanks, I got the stage ready, so you guys can set up it will expand to your needs. I will be finishing the hall. After a while, I will be leaving to get ready. If you need me to change anything I can. While you set up I will take the smoke away but put it back later," I said turning around.

"Okay, that's fine. Thanks. We are going to set up then practise a bit," the lead singer said. I nodded and left them to it.

I decided to decorated the tables. a.n: pretend the table was bigger.

n: pretend the table was bigger

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