Chapter 4

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A.N: Chapter four. I, unfortunately, don't own the amazing world that is Harry Potter. Now on to the chapter.

In the morning I woke up and charmed my clothes clean and different colours. I had a shower quickly and did my hair. I put it up in a bun with strands framing my face. I change my features so that I have blush, mascara and slightly redder lips. I love being a metamorphous. I came out of the bathroom to find the boys asleep. I woke Remus and Peter.

"Who should we wake nicely and who should we wake with a prank," I ask.

"James prank," Remus replies immediately with Peter nodding. I don't question it. We wake up Sirius and tell him the plan. He is excited and is about to use a spell when I stop him. I float the mattress up before turning it on its side so he fell to the floor. We heard a groan and came and saw him on the floor.

"So, not cool guys. Char why didn't you stop them," he whined still on the floor.

"Because it was my idea. Now hurry and get changed or I will go to Hogsmeade without you," I say before bouncing out of the room. I didn't see anyone I knew personally in the common room. Just some people from other people I smile at. I go down to the great hall. I look at the Slytherin table and see Regulus. I walk over. I sit down next to him.

"Regulus. I might be late for the tour. I am going to Hogsmeade today to pick up some things. Why don't I meet you at the entrance hall at four?" I suggest sitting down making him jump in shock.

"Sure, we shouldn't have too much to look at. I will show you the classrooms and anything else important," he says when he registers what I said.

"Great thanks Reg. Have a good day everyone," I say before going to the staff table.

"Albus, want anything from Hogsmeade or just the usual," I ask.

"The usual my dear," he responds winking.

"Okay, laters dumbles," I laugh and go to the Gryffindor table and sit next to James scaring him. Wow people got scared easy, would have to use that to my advantage.

"Well, that's sorted," I say grabbing a piece of toast, bacon, eggs, sausage and some hashbrowns. "Now you lot will do it quicker than the girls. Who should I not flirt with because it will make their other half jealous in the school?" I ask.

"Well, don't flirt with Lily here or James won't like you," Sirius jokes.

"Aw, you guys are dating cute," I say pinching James' cheek.

James smacks my hand away, "No."

"Yeah, I know she can't stand you told me so last night," I snort.

"She talked about me?" he asked shocked.

"Yep, you should really stop acting like an arrogant arse and she might like you," I shrug and turn to the others about to say something when I am turned back around by James.

"Did she say it would work?" he asks.

"NO, but I am a girl so I know it will. Now stop pestering her as she finds it annoying as every other girl would. It makes it look like you can't take no for an answer which is not a good thing to have on your reputation," I say looking at him pointedly.

"Oh, OH. Okay, thanks Char," he says realising what I am getting at, before smiling at his breakfast.

"Oh my God. She got Pro-James to stop talking about Lily and gave him advice," Sirius said correcting himself when the others glared at him. I pretend not to notice the slip up an instead be pouring my cup of coffee. Once we were finished we went to the entrance hall. Dumbles was there waiting.

"Boys, watch Charlotte today she always manages to get into situations she shouldn't. Also after dinner Charlotte, I need to talk to you," he says seriously. I nod before giving him a hug and go outside. We get in a carriage and go to Hogsmeade the boys telling me about all the places we can go on the way. When we get there we go and get some quills and Stationary from Scrivenshaft's Quill shop, then stop in Honeydukes Sweetshop. I tell the boys to go get some butterbeer while I get some clothes at Gladrags Wizardwear as I will take a while. I decided to go all out as I hadn't previously scared the Dursleys would ruin them all. I spent most of my money there. I don't think the owner had such a big order in their life. Once I had ordered everything I would need for the summer, I would go to Madame Malkins for my winter clothes, I went to meet the boys until my clothes were ready. I went in and saw them at a table I ordered a drink and sat down.

"Done already," Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ordering yes. He told me to stop in before I went back to Hogwarts and they would be ready. I thought we could get some lunch. Go to Zonko's and Dervish and Banges then head back," I suggested. They agreed and when Rosemoreta came with my drink we ordered food. When we were done the boys 'showed' me where Zonko's was. We spent an hour in here. They had to drag me out as they reminded me we still had to go to Dervish and Bange's.

"I really didn't think someone that was so close to the Headmaster would play pranks," Peter said.

"Really, Dumbles loves pranks used to play them on people all the time," I reply smiling.

"Really, I didn't picture that," Remus said surprised.

"Everyone has pranking in them. It takes the right person to bring it out in them," I say nodding, "I mean he did prank the school the whole mysterious entrance was his idea." We didn't spend very long in Dervish and Banges. We didn't need any of it. We went into Gladrags Wizardwear. When I came in my order was brought out. It was four bags. I shrunk them down put them in my pockets paid and left. The ride up to castle the boys tried to convince me the tour wasn't a good idea but I just ignored them. When I got to the entrance hall I had to wait for five minutes until Reg got there. Bellatrix was with him.

"Bella, Reg hi. Are you joining us, Bella?" I asked hoping she wasn't.

"Yes, hope you don't mind. Thought it would give us a chance to get to know each other," she replied smiling, I did not trust that smile. I waved to the boys, Sirius waved and glared at his brother and cousin who glared right back and we left on the tour. They showed me all the classrooms I would need. Then they showed me all the places to avoid, Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Some hallways and trick steps. Then we walked to the Ravenclaws common room and then Hufflepuff. On the way, they told me all about the school. The do's and don'ts when that ran out they told me about people in school and who was related to who or dating who as I asked because the boys hadn't told me this morning. When we got to the entrance hall I was expecting them to stop.

"Where are you taking me now. The only place you didn't take me was Gryffindor common room," I asked.

"Well, we haven't shown you the Slytherin common room yet. Come on," Bellatrix said pulling my hand. I was reluctant I didn't know how much longer I could spend in her presence she had killed Sirius. I was trying to focus on the fact she hadn't done that yet and I might be able to stop it. The how was the hard part. They stopped and I realised we were there. Great instead of going into Lion's den I was going in the Snakes den. I would have prefered the Lions.

A.N: I know it is boring now but I need to get into it. Please continue reading. 

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