Chapter 16

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I walked up to the closest bank teller that wasn't busy. I waited until the goblin had finished and looked up.

"How may I help you today?" the Goblin asks sneering expecting me to be rude.

"I am here to meet King Ragnuk. I have a meeting with him. If you would be so kind as to tell him I am here ... SilverFang," I answer looking at his nameplate. Silverfang looks shocked for a moment before checking Ragnuk's meetings and gesturing for another Goblin to come forward and bring me to Ragnuk.

"Thank you SilverFang and may your vaults overflow and your enemies cower at your feet," I tell him bowing at him before following the Goblin he had instructed to show me to Ragnuk. I follow the Goblin for about three minutes through what seemed like endless corridors. We stop outside of a pair of doors that had designs of battles and was in gold. The goblin I had been following knocks on the door and when it opens he speaks in gobbledegook before ushering me in. I come in and bow.

"King Ragnuk, an honour. Thank you for meeting with me but it was important that you would be the Goblin I spoke to," I say then stand up straight. I could tell I had his interest.

"What is it that you must speak to me about?" he asks immediately. So I told him. I explain I am from the future and that I am heir to a lot of vaults. He is hesitant to believe me so I tell him to do an identification with blood. It comes up with my name, date of birth and vaults I own. When that is cleared up. I inform him that I want access to the vaults I was allowed to and what dress I want out and where they are. He sends a goblin down to do that and then I get to the important part of the meeting.

"In the future Tom Riddle or the person who is calling himself Voldemort hid some Horcruxes in some bank vaults. I thought informing you would be helpful as you could check any vaults for any you find. If you do find any you must destroy it as I see what he becomes and does with them. Or you can send them to me and I will destroy them," I say adding the last bit quickly, not wanting him to think I was trying to get Goblins to clear everything up.

"We will definitely investigate that thank you for informing us of this," he replies before looking over my shoulder. "Ah, here are your dresses that you asked for," he informs me and I look over to see two goblins had come in levitating a box each behind them. "They added some jewellery they thought you might like," he says with a wink. I smirk.

"Thank you, I believe this meeting has been most beneficial to us both. Do send those papers to me and inform me please if you find anything. I will send you a message when we get rid of another one or if anything else important comes up," I offer before standing. I go over to the boxes smile at the Goblins shocking them before wandlessly shrinking them and placing them in my pocket.

"May your gold flow and your enemies cower at your feet," I say bowing.

"May your gold flow like a river and your enemies flee before you. Goodbye Charlotte," he says.

I laugh at the informal name, "Goodbye Ragnuk," I say before leaving. A goblin is waiting outside to bring me to the front. I follow them out. I bow and say the correct goblin goodbye and leave. I quickly made my way back to the group meeting them at a restaurant they had pointed out earlier. We sit down and I find out the girls had got all of the things they need. We had lunch talking about the balls and what they would look like. They tried to convince me to get ready for them in the Slytherin dorm with them but I lie and tell them I would be getting ready in the girl's dorm in Gryffindor. It is near the end of lunch when I drop a bombshell on them.

"Did you get your mask?" I ask the girls placing my cutlery down.

Druella looks confused, "Masks? Why would they need masks?"

"Did I not mention that they are both masquerades?" I reply shocked.

"NO, mother we must go back," Cissa exclaims shocked turning to her mother. Druella agreed and that's how we started shopping again. I already had my masks. It was simple gold lace that covered my face except for my mouth and eyes. The other one was the same but covered my eyes with snakes on it instead of lace that moved. It takes another hour to find the masks and then we go down another alley and it was the same type of shops like the others but for everyday wear. I am excited as I didn't have many nice clothes in the future due to not having time but I decide I would this time. I buy a lot of clothes but I knew I would need it. I didn't take any money from the Potter Vault I had asked Ragnuk to make it so I can't access them and that the Potter's wouldn't be notified I could. He agreed as he knew I must only reveal myself when the time is right. By the time we are done shopping I have brought nearly two new wardrobes, thank God for extension and feather-light charms or I would be carrying so much. It was nearly dinner by the time we got back. We say goodbye to the others and we flooed back to Grimmauld Place.


When we come in Walburga says goodbye so she can go put her shopping away and I go upstairs to do the same. Though I put my dresses in the pouch around my neck and then put the rest of my clothes in the wardrobe. By the time I am done it was dinner. I go downstairs.

We all talk about our days at the table. Orion had work and the boys were doing homework. Reg needs me to check some work for him as he doesn't trust Siri. Siri needed help on an essay. We decide to do it after dinner in their living room. I am surprised Sirius was doing homework but he subtly tells me it beat being bored and that way he wouldn't have to do it at James' manor. I laugh at his reasoning but agreed to help after dinner. 

I do my homework alongside them figuring theirs out. I know all of it from my studying and when I searched things for the tournament. Sirius is shocked at my speed but shrugs it off. I am about a quarter of the way through it when I decided I need sleep I was tired from the shopping trip. I would have got further but I had to help the boys.

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