Chapter 56

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A.N: This is the last chapter. Sorry, it has taken so long. I am going to finish it here and unless I suddenly get inspiration for more chapters there won't be anymore.

Charlotte POV:

When we got back to school after the break our friends were really excited for Sirius and I. Lily got a massive hug for helping Sirius get the ring. While James gave Sirius a stern talking to in private until I reminded him that if he did so then it would make everything weird as we agreed to act as friends. 

I was very glad three of Sirius' cousins were engaged as it meant that no one thought we would be getting married soon as already had three weddings to look forward to. Andromeda was supposed to be getting married in the summer. The girls had asked if we discussed the wedding at all and they found it crazy that we hadn't and that I was involving Sirius in the planning. We just said we were waiting for at least two weddings to be out of the way as well as school. Which meant it was soon dropped. Although when Cissy and Bella looked at things they usually dragged me into it too. I just rolled my eyes and got on with it.


Before I knew it Valentine's day came around. I woke up to an empty bed and a card ontop of my uniform. 

Just getting everything ready love. Happy Valentine's day.

Sirius X

I sigh knowing it will probably be big and get ready for the day. I walk down to the great hall and see him sitting at the Gryffindor table. I sit next to him greeting him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Uh, Charlotte why are you growing flowers?" Lily asks.


"Your feet where you have stepped there is a trail of flowers," she explains. I look and I am shocked to see a trail of flowers going out the great hall. I sigh and turn to Sirius who smirks.

"I wanted to give you flowers all day what better way than where you walk they grow," he offers innocently putting an arm around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder.

I sigh, "You are terrible. You might get in trouble for this."

"Worth it," he whispers in my ear before kissing my head. I just roll my eyes fondly and continue with dinner.  I was right and McGonagall took points for disruption is the corridors as people had to walk over flowers all day. Sirius just shrugged it off. 

I was in the library as I had no lessons after lunch and Sirius suddenly appeared startling me and Cissy who was working. "Dress up nice for dinner we aren't eating in the great hall," he tells me.

"Okay?" I agree confused. 

"Great thanks love," he cheers and kisses me quickly before leaving.

"What was that?" Cissy asks.

"Who knows with him," I answer before shaking my head and going back to my work. 

Sirius POV:

I was waiting in the living room of Char's quarters in my suit. I was fiddling with my tie in the mirror by the portrait. It wouldn't sit right. I hear the door open and turn a light cough. I turn around and look at Charlotte. I am again blown away once again at how beautiful she looks.

 I am again blown away once again at how beautiful she looks

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She walks over to me and smiles. "Is this okay?"

"Merlin you're gorgeous," I tell her. "How did I get so lucky," I murmur putting my hands on her waist and kissing her softly. She is smiling when I open my eyes. "But my tie is being annoying please help," I request. She laughs softly before undoing it and starting again. It looks perfect when she finishes. "Are you ready for the surprise love?" I ask.

"A surprise?" She asks curiously. "We aren't going to the kitchen?"

"You think I would make you get dressed up for the kitchen," I chuckle. "No," I shake my head. "Come on I have it planned out," I tell her. 

As we walk through the corridor with her arm in mine I hear her heels click on the floor. Her room is far enough away that we can talk quietly for a while but we soon get close enough to the classrooms we will start bumping into people soon. "I almost want to put a robe on you because I don't want anyone else to see you like this," I pout slowing down.

She smiles at me, "Or you can think of it this way, you are showing what is yours to the world and what no one else gets to touch because I am yours as you are mine."

"I am yours," I repeat. "I can live with that as long as you are mine," I agree. She rolls her eyes but she is smiling at me. "Now let's go show everyone how hot we are," I say and start walking again. I knew we had to walk past the great hall to get to where we are going and that most of the school will see us as dinner is starting soon. I was right and when we start coming down people notice us and stare and whisper. I just grin and help Char down the stairs in her heels. She smiles at me in thanks. When we get to the bottom. I walk her to the front door and lead her outside but not before smirking at those that were still inside many who had stopped to watch us. I lead Char to near the greenhouses not worried about the mud because I knew her heels were all charmed so she can walk. 

"Am I allowed to know where we are going because we aren't leaving the grounds and the black lake is that way," Char asks.

"Not yet love it's a surprise," I tease. She grumbles but allows me to lead her. We get close and I stop. "I need you to close your eyes," I request. She looks at me and when she sees I am serious closes her eyes with a huff. I carefully lead her to where we are going. "Okay now we have to go up the four steps and we will be there. First one is now," I instruct. Once she is at the top of the stairs I lead her through the archway moving the ivy out of the way. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, "Open up love." I hear her gasp and smile pressing a kiss to her neck.

"Oh Siri," she breaths, "It's beautiful. How did you find it?" I had taken her to a garden that had flowers all around, though none were harmful beside their thorns. There were a few benches around and a fountain. But most importantly there was a table in the middle with candles and chairs. Obviously where we are eating tonight.

"I asked the house elves for somewhere romantic for tonight and they suggested here. It was apparently a secret garden that Slytherin made for his wife so that she could escape when she wanted time alone. None of the castle windows overlook it and it is private for us to enjoy ourselves," I explain and she looks at me and smiles widely.

"It's perfect," she tells me.

"Nothing less for you," I tell her. 

"If you keep doing things like this I might get used to it and expect it forever," she warns but I just shrug.

"Good, I will be doing this for the rest of our lives even when we have children and you will have an irrational fear that I won't love your post-pregnancy body I am going to love you and cherish you like the goddess you are because I love you," I say seriously. "I am going to spoil you rotten as you deserve as my fiance, then my wife then the mother of my children but most importantly the love of my life," I add. She starts to tear up and I feel my eyes widen. "Love I didn't mean o ups-"

But Charlotte starts to kiss me passionately cutting me off. When she finally pulls back I stare at her shocked. "You are perfect, so perfect and I love you, Sirius Orion Black."

"I Love you too Charlotte Rose Potter."

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