Chapter 3

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A.N: Chapter three.

The walk up to the common room was full of us discussing theories about why I would be in the boys room. When we got to the common room. Everyone stared at us as we walked in. Two boys walked down a staircase. I didn't stop but walked towards them and smiled as I passed. I walked until I found the fifth year dorm. It was a mess apart from around one clean bed with a trunk with my initials on it. I sighed and did some cleaning spells. When the boys came in their stuff was flying around the room going to the right bed.

"That is a one-time thing," I said pointing at them.

"Okay, so how comes you are so late coming to Hogwarts if you knew Dumbledore most of your life?" James asked.

"I was sent to a different school," I shrugged and opened my trunk to find all of my books there for lessons I need and school clothes. I sighed before calling out "Sugar."

"Yes," Sirius responded grinning flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and heard a pop. I looked down and saw Dumbeldores house elf.

"Could you tell Albus I will need to go to Hogesmead soon to get some things. Perhaps tomorrow as I have the day off lessons. Could you ask if the boys could come with me so I don't get lost? Please," I say. She nods and disappears.

"You can call on house-elves, Cool," Peter said.

"Just Sugar. Albus said if I need anything while I settle in to call for her," I say. Sugar then pops in.

"Mister Dumbledore says that is fine and yes you can take the boys and that he will see you go to give you money," she says.

"Oh, that won't be necessary, tell him I have my ways even if I left things behind," I say. She nods and disappears.

"Well, looks like I got you lot out of lessons. So no waking up early for us," I smirk.

"Yes," Sirius shouts then hugs me.

"Your welcome," I chuckle. "But, I need a favour," I say pulling back.

"Anything now," he nods eagerly.

"I need a shirt and a pair of boxers. I have no clothes with me," I say.

"Sure," he goes over to his wardrobe and gets a dress shirt and some boxers. I take them and go into the bathroom where it is just as messy as the bedroom. I close the door and do the spells to clean up while getting dressed. I shrink the boxers so they become some shorts I can use for bed and roll the sleeves up so they don't go past my hands. The shirt is far too big as I am small. Though I nearly fill the chest area. I come out and put my clothes on my bed.

"Well, I think it is time I meet some people," I say before going out the door and downstairs. I spot the girls in front of the fire and go sit down.

"Have any of you got a hairband I can borrow?" I ask.

"Yeah, here you go," Alice says handing me one.

"Thanks," I smile.

"So, how was there room," Marlene asks.

"A mess. Cleaned it with a spell. Then stole some of Sirius' clothes for pyjamas. The boys and I are going Hogsmeade tomorrow so I can shop," I reply.

"You might want to be careful around them Charlotte. They aren't known for doing things out of the kindness of their hearts," Lily scoffs rolling her eyes.

"No offence but I want to make a judgement on them by myself," I say hesitantly.

"I know but they are so annoying. They prank people constantly and never follow the rules," she rants.

"Well, they have been nice enough to me," I shrug deciding not to start an argument. Just then the boys come down.

"Hey, Char. Want to play exploding snap?" Remus asks.

"Sure," I say and get up to go sit with them smiling and waving goodbye at the girls. We play into the night just talking them telling me about all the trouble they got into. When we went up I stayed awake until I knew they were asleep before getting up and finding the Marauders map and making sure my name didn't say, Potter. I then went to sleep plagued with nightmares of Sirius falling through the veil.

A.N: I know this chapter is short but the next one will be them going to Hogsmeade and the tour with Regulus.

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