Chapter 11

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A.N:  That is Walburga. AKA Lady Black.

"So, what did you guys talk about," Sirius asks trying to sound casual.

"You are so transparent, Sirius. I now understand how youGryffindorfindor and not Slytherin," I tell him bluntly making them all laugh. Reg and Siri looked shocked at their parents laughing.

"Hey, you're a Gryffindor as well," he replies defensively.

"Yes, but the hat debated putting me in Slytherin," I shrug. Reg and Siri looked shocked at my admitance.

"Lady Peverell - " Orion started to explain but I cut him off.

"Charlotte please," I offer kindly.

"Of course, call me Orion. Well, Charlotte was telling us about blood status. She had some interesting points. It seems that by sharing to much blood with your spouse can actually make your children's magic weaker and creat Squibs. So you boys won't be marrying pure-bloods. Though they still have to have magic. Half-bloods have more natural powers. The blacks used to have many Metamorphmagus in our line. Now we haven't had one for two generations. We will be informing the rest of the family. Also, this Voldemort fellow who is trying to get us to follow him is a half-blood. Now, I know your mother and I are now fine with them but a half-blood ordering around purebloods to kill half-bloods is not right. The other twenty-eight families will be informed and anyone who is sane won't be joining him. I can guarantee that. The Malfoy's might actually owe you Charlotte as I am certain you just saved them a lot of money," Orion said casually as if we were talking about the weather.

"Oh, well maybe I should be there when you meet them all or are you only going to tell your family and everyone can just pass the message on?" I ask as Kreacher served dinner.

"Just tell family," Walburga says thoughtfully. I nodded.

"Lovely. Well, I have talked to your nieces, Bellatrix and Narcissa. They are such lovely girls. Why don't we go out shopping with them and their mother one day Walburga? I am friends with Dumbledore and I believe he plans on having at least a Halloween or Christmas ball and I might even convince him to have both as well as a valentines day masquerade and this way we can get some nice dresses," I suggest. That's when Reg and Siri came out of their shock.

"I'm sorry but you have changed your mind like that?" Siri asks disbelievingly.

"Yes, and Sirius I am sorry for how I treated you. We have listened to what Charlotte said as we know it is true. Hopefully, we can have a better relationship. Now we just need to find the girl you destined for which luckily won't be too hard," she smirks. "Charlotte that seems like a lovely idea. I will talk to my sister tomorrow when we go visit to tell them what you told us and organise a day," Walburga replies to me brushing Sirius off.

Sirius is still confused and questions once again, "What do you mean the girl I am destined for won't be too hard?"

"We can't tell you," Orion tells him smirking.

"Oh, you two are mean but if you won't tell him neither will I," I say with a laugh.

"I hope it goes well for you as well," Walburga tells me, I nod in acknowledgement.

Orion decides to change the topic, "Charlotte what do you plan on taking for your NEWT's?"

"I want to take healing, potions, Defence and charms," I answer taking a sip from my goblet.

"I doubt you will as you didn't study at all before the OWL's," Siri comments making his parents look at me shocked.

"I know but I guarantee all O's. If I don't I will buy you the latest broom," I offer presenting my hand.

"Deal," Sirius says straight away shaking my hand.

"You should know better than to bargain with a woman," Orion says shaking his head, "I have never seen one lose. What does Sirus have to do if you win?" he asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Not sure but it will be good. I will make sure there are pictures," I grin evilly. Sirius gulped and they laugh. His parents seemed to be nicer now and I could see that the boys were hesitant, not sure how long it would last. But, I could see his parents were trying. When dinner was over his parents went to their private living room and left me and the boys alone. They took me to their living room though it hadn't been used much before as they couldn't stand to be in the same room due to the rivalry.

"Alright, what the hell did you do to our parents?" Sirius asks pacing in the living room running a hand through his hair.

"You are spending way too much times with James, you are doing the same thing as him when he gets overwhelmed," I sing.

Sirius glares at me, "Answer the question Charlotte."

"I talked to them. They have a spell on the door so they knew it was the truth. They will be telling your family the same things. I can't tell you where I found my information and no it wasn't Dumbledore. Now just appreciate you don't have to marry your cousins and move on," I answer.

"Okay, moving on. What the hell why didn't you tell me you were staying here?" Sirius hissed spinning around.

"Because the Slytherins told me they had never pranked you and I felt it was the perfect opportunity. Did you not like the surprise?" I ask walking to him and standing in front of him putting my hands on his chest looking up at him. He blushed! What? Sirius was always calm I don't think I have ever seen him blush. This is fun I should do it more often.

"Well, I was shocked. Also, you looked completely different," he murmured, "Not that it's bad," he adds quickly when he realised I could be insulted.

I smile. "Thanks. Now I am going to go to bed. It has been a long day. Don't forget we will be going to your families house tomorrow," I add winking and going to the door. I heard them groan and laughed. With that, I went up to bed on my way I passed Kreacher. I knelt down to talk to him.

"You're a good elf but you need to learn respect. Your masters have changed their views and I stopped them from being enslaved by a half-blood. I can see you followed their views but I am certain you heard what I said to them. I hope for us to get along. However, don't clean my room. I like to clean my own. I know it will be hard for you not to clean it but it has been beaten into me to clean up after myself. I also, get nightmares please do not tell your masters as I would prefer for them not to know. I know you are loyal and they trust you very much but I don't wish to disturb them in their sleep. Goodnight Kreacher. Think about what I said," I instruct before standing I took a few steps away before he called my name.

"Lady Peverell, I will not tell them and thank you for helping them. I could get you dreamless sleep if you would like," he offered.

"Thank you for your concern but it doesn't work, some nightmares can't be taken away. I will see you in the morning," I reply smiling before going to my room. Interesting stay indeed.

A.N: I know it wasn't an action-packed chapter. Also, I know it is unlikely they would change so fast but would a pureblood really want to be bossed around by a half-blood especially if what they tried to make them do would end up with their line producing squibs. No, they wouldn't. Give your thoughts on how the boys find out about her powers.

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