Chapter 29

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When I woke up I must not have had a nightmare of the boys not heard. Most likely the second. I got up to put my hair shorter and did my exercise. When I came back I had a quick shower and when I came out all the boys went in to have a shower. Thank God for the multiple stalls. I got dressed while they were in there and put my hair back to normal and put on the charms. The boys came out dressed and packed our bag with all our books and an undetectable and featherweight charm so we didn't have to rush back to get our books. We strolled down to breakfast and I realised everyone was staring at me due to the length of my hair. We came in and sat down at the table. The others were staring at me.

"What?" I said calmly starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry I am staring someone just seems to have grown around a foot of hair overnight and I am a little shocked," Fabe tells me sarcastically but I can detect the hurt in his voice.

"Well, I am a metamorphous, as you can see my hair is really long and it is quite hard to maintain. The boys convinced me to keep it natural," I said coldly.

"Why, didn't you tell us. I mean I know you know having hair that long is very significant. This is something you share with your friends," Fabian hissed leaning forward.

"Yes, but it never came up it doesn't need to be. The guys came in and I didn't expect them to. I never hid it from you," I replied glaring.

"This doesn't need to be brought up and by making your hair that short all the time you did hide it from us. Did you think that we would treat you differently? Are you that closed off from us?" Fabe asked offended.

"Fabe stop," Gid said interrupting making Fabe look at him. I see Fabes offence turn into anger

"No, I want to know why Charlotte thought that she should hide her hair length and the fact she is metamorphous. She obviously doesn't trust us. What else are you hiding? Huh. Maybe that isn't your actual hair length maybe it is a prank the boys put on you," Fabe said looking at me, I see his eyes widen as he registers what he said.

Everyone in the hall gasped as him questioning the length of my hair insinuated I was lying about my power. Which was a very offensive comment to make to a witch. I stood up and glared at him.

"You are acting like an arsehole. If you are going to be like this I am going to sit at the Slytherin table," I replied cooly putting my mask in place and about to walk away to the Slytherin table.

"What about your schedule?" Fabe asked. I glared at him before pointing my hand to the head table and accioed it wordlessly and wandlessly to me before walking away to the Slytherin table and sitting down and serving myself some fruit and toast. The hall was silent and slowly people started to talk. The Slytherin table stayed silent. Professor Slughorn came and handed out their timetables.

"Well, what do you all have first?" I ask speaking for the first time since I joined the table. They all looked and we have defence first. We finished our breakfast and went to our lesson. We walked in and I went and sat down next to Marlene. She smiled at me as I sat down.

"Alright, today class we won't be starting anything new. I am along with your other teachers, going to be going over the previous curriculum, to make sure you can handle these subjects," the new defence professor said at the front of the room. Looks like that curse still hasn't come off the position yet.

"Today, we will start with a boggart. Yes, I know that is a third-year spell but if you can't conquer your fear by turning it into something else, then you can't do the rest of this course. This is the only way I will be testing you as I believe if you can do this you will be able to do the course," he said looking at all of us. "Now, all of you did your boggart in your third year and passed as I saw your previous teachers notes. I know all of you in this room can do it apart from Mrs Peverell. So guess who is last," he said staring at me. I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but you might need to make sure you have enough chocolate," I comment. He gave me a stern look and I just raised my hands in surrender.

I watched everyone else take their turns standing at the back of the line. Remus had the full moon and again turned it into a balloon deflating. I watched everyone go and was after a Hufflepuff.

Soon it was my turn.

So I stood and faced the boggart. It morphed into a dementor. I felt the temperature in the room drop and started to hear screaming. I blocked out the noise and focused and thought of something funny and changed it to look like the professor dressed in some of dumbledores robes. The teacher sent it back into the chest.

"Alright, back to your seats. Now does anyone need some chocolate?" he asked. Nearly three quatres of the class put up their hands. He quickly asked a house elf for some and everyone ate their chocolate or sat quietly. "Mrs Peverell, I am guessing you have faced a boggart before as you told me to have chocolate. Is it safe to say you have met a Dementor before," he stated more than asked, I nodded. "Well, Mrs Peverell has managed to help me get on to our first topic. We will be doing patronuses," there were whispers around the room. "Now many wizards can't produce a corporeal patronus so most of you will have the mist like most wizards. Now out of my own curiosity, I am going to ask. Mrs Peverell have you cast the patronus spell before?" he asked me. I felt everyone turn to me and had to stop myself from smirking. I nodded. "Well, why don't you come up here and show them," he said gesturing me to do so. I got up and went to the front. "Now, if you can't do it don't worry most witches can't even some wizards," he said trying to reassure me. I was angry at his sexist remark.

"I am sure I will be fine," I remarked coldly. He just smirked in amusement. I turned away from him and said softly "Expecto patronum." Everyone gasped as my patronus which was a Hungarian Horntail. I turned to the teacher and saw him shocked. "Seems I can do it maybe you don't know many strong wizards," I smirked before going to my desk and making my patronus disappear.

"Right, as you can see a patronus can be any shape. You have no homework class dismissed," he said before stalking to his office. We all left and walked to our next lesson. Sirius and I had COMC. I knew I would be answering a lot of questions from him. Luckily after break, I have healing with Poppy.

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