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Okay. Before we get started, I want to make something VERY clear. Alright? Please by god read this.

Age play: a sexual/non-sexual Roleplay that involves consenting adults (18+) that are acting older or younger than their own age. None of which is ever under the age of 18.

Little space: little space is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a physiological regression. However, unlike age play, this is always non-sexual and is physiological, NOT acting.

Pedophilia: a sexual attraction that someone has to pubescent children, usually under the age of 13.

Please. For the love of satan and his hellish glory, DONT. MIX. THESE. UP!!!!! These are very different things. Jaylynn, is a little. He has a physiological mindset, that of a child's. This is Jay's way of escaping the real world. Yes, he does have an age play kink, but they are still two very different things. Please refrain from mixing these up.

This concludes my TED-talk. Thank you.

Before we start, I'd like to shout out random_p0tato for being a great fan. This shits for you bish!!!

Side note: holy shit we are almost to 1k and it's only been about a day since I first published this... thank you all so much
(*-*) *digitally hugs everyone of you* I love you people.




The car ride was long and silent. The occasional sound of liquid through our straws, but that was it.

AM radio played quietly in the background. I think it was supposed to be a comedy channel, but it was mostly dry dad jokes. Sadly not corresponding with my moist dark humor. Ha... Moist.

"You okay Jay?" I continued to look out the window.

"Not really. But I don't want to talk about it."

Freddy sighed, continuing to our house.

"We're here." He parked the truck by the curb. I silently got out. Feeling drained. Not wanting anymore drama.

"Hey babies!" Nana walked towards us, holding her mail. "Oh my, where have you been?!"

Nana pulled me into a hug. I smiled lightly, hugging her back. "Sorry Nana... there's just been a lot going on. A lot of night shifts, yaknow?" I chuckled half-heartedly. Still digging my face into her neck.

"No need to lie child. I can tell you're heart broken. FREDDY! Go inside, let me talk to him alone." She kissed his cheek, shoving him to the door.

"I'm goin', I'm goin'." Freddy left us alone outside.

"Now. Tell me what's wrong child." Nana put her hand on my shoulder, looking up into my eyes.

"He rejected me Nana. I'll get over it... I just... I don't want to be seen as a kid..." I looked down at my feet.

"Oh sweetheart. Look at me." She grabbed my face, making me look down into her pale blue eyes.

"You have so much heart, so much kindness and love to give. Your mind was forced to grow up too quickly. Don't think for a second that I don't know what happens in that house. You are such a sweet person Jaylynn. Don't let a man tell you otherwise. Don't let him determine your worth." A single tear slipped down my face. I smiled at her.

"Thank you Nana...." I hugged her. Sniffling into her neck. "Thank you..."

She didn't say anything. She just held me. I really appreciated that she didn't say anything. She just let me bask in her comforting motherly touch.

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