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It's been about a week. One more day till my day off.

I've been working for a week straight, filling in on call-ins. I'm exhausted, but my pay cheek will look great.

Just one more day till Friday... just one more day then you have 4 days off...

Chief made me take a few days off. I didn't necessarily want to, but he insisted since I've been working my ass off.

Me and Jay have been texting a lot back and forth since I haven't seen him at all this week. We have both been working our asses off, but I promised I was going to see him tomorrow.

"Dude, heelllooooooo?!" Cole waved his hand in front of my face. "Dude. You good?"

"Yeah, Im fine. Just tired." I rubbed my hand over my face.

"Yeah, no shit. You've taken at least three peoples shifts this week." I nodded my head in affirmation.

"Eh, our shifts almost over. Chin up man." Cole looked proud, giving a slight smirk.

"OOOOOOO TAIL LIGHT!!! I GOT EM!!!" Cole pulled out the squad car and followed the car with the tail light out.


I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling.

I had Trevor's sweatshirt on, nothing else. It brought me comfort.

I cuddled between my sheet and laid there. Basking in the silence. I ended my shift a few hours ago, and I was waiting to text Trevor. I love his little messages in the mornings and evenings. They were always so thoughtful.

I flipped over, looking at my side table. Consisting of a tissue box, my phone charger, and the contact. Neatly folded, and placed slightly under the box.

I pulled out the contract and flipped to the rules page. Trevor filled out what rules he wanted me to follow while we are together. But I liked to read over them and make sure I didn't break anything while he was at work or somewhere else.

1. Don't touch yourself without permission
2. No cussing
3. No lying, or hiding things
4. Tell your dom when you are uncomfortable, or have any negative emotion
5. No disrespecting your dom
6. Address your dom correctly when around others
7. Use your safe word when necessary
8. Orgasms are a privilege and are owned by Your dom. You will ask Your dom for permission to cum.
9. Always follow the rules to the best of your ability.
10. If you ever have questions/concerns about the rules, talk with your dom immediately.

I read through the rules more than once, just to make sure I didn't break any for the day. Thankfully I didn't.

The cursing one has been hard, but I've been trying my best.

But those were the everyday rules. I was looking foreword to finally using the scene play rules for real this time.

I wanted to do a full scene with T, but didn't know how to ask. But I knew I had to. No hiding things.

I looked through the scene play rules, making sure Id be prepared for when we do.

1. Enforced eyeline: Your sub must look down, and only down, at all times, unless told otherwise.
2. Speech restriction: Your sub is not allowed to speak unless spoken to.
3. Procedure: Your sub must remember, and obey, a set of commands.
4. Vocal Queues: Your sub must respond, vocally, to specific actions.
5. Safe word: Your sub must use their safe word if something is too much for them. Your dom must obey to the safe word, and proceed/stop what they are doing according to which word is used.

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