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Threesome? Part 2.
Sorry, half storyline half sex. I'll put the warnings, Don't worry.


I drove with Lily in the passenger and Carly in the back.

It was odd she wanted to have a "girls night", but I was glad she did. After all, both me and Lily took a liking to her. But I know Daniel is good for her.

"You want to stop and get food before we head back to our apartment?" I said looking at both Lily and Carly in the rear view mirror.

"Yes please!" Carly sing songed in the back.

"Alright. What will it be then?" I questioned.

"Okay okay. Hear me out. Pickles and chocolate." Carly looked really excited about the weird food combination. I looked over at Lily questioningly, just for a second as she gave me the same look back.

"How about Chinese? Oooooo Mongolian!" Lily groaned in the passenger seat.

"Sounds good to me. Carly?" She pouted in the back seat.

"We can stop by the store for pickles and chocolate too." Carly's smile was back on her face. She's too adorable to say no to.


We stopped by the grocery store after eating at Panda Express. Don't judge, it's good.

Carly happily sat in the back slipping her chocolate bar in the pickle juice. I found her pick of food weird, but then again I didn't know much about her. I didn't know if that was normal of not, so I shrugged it off.

We pulled up to the back of the bar where my apartment was attached, and parked.

"Alright. Let's get tonight going!" I said as I exited the car. Both Lily and Carly stepping out with me.

Carly held her jar of pickles to her chest, still gnawing on her chocolate.

I grabbed Lily's hand, grabbing Carly's freehand and leading them both inside.

"Alright! What first?" I clapped my hands together looking at the both of them.

"I don't know. I don't do girls nights. The only girls nights I have is with you Abby, and that usually leads to sex." Lily said sarcastically.

"Ay!" I glared.

"It's true though. You can't deny it." I grumbled in response, knowing it was true. We really don't get out much.

"Well how about Netflix?" Carly suggested.

I shrugged looking at Lily. She shrugged. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

Lily walked happily over to the couch, messing with the TV. I sat down in the middle of the couch, scooting Lily on my lap, where she happily sat.

Carly sat down gently next to me, holding her jar of pickles. "You sure like pickles doncha?" Carly chuckled at my comment.

"Well, actually, I'm not usually the biggest fan of pickles..." I gave her a confused expression.

"What made you change your mind?" Lily looked away from the TV, listening in.

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