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Art by @savy.epi !!!!! I love her. Freaking talented goddess 😤

^^^^ and you don't need to listen, but just a really good mashup!!!!!




It's been 4 months.

A pretty good 4 months.

I stopped drink after that night. Been 4 months clean.

I finally got my shit together. Sorta.

I've been working a lot. I've mostly been doing paper work, but every once in a while I'll go out on calls.

I've been stacking up massive overtime and I've been doing good for myself.

Instead of wasting my time drinking, I've been working out. Not at the gym because I'm lazy, but at home. Normally watching some random show while doing some sort of workout.

It passes the time.

I don't think I've really been happy, but I don't think I'm depressed either. I've been smiling a lot more.

It feels good.

I sat with Daniel on his couch while he drank a beer, laughing at the TV. Some comedian. He was a funny guy though.

Carly has been struggling. She's seven months pregnant and struggling to get around the house. She wasn't really strong to begin with before she got pregnant, but now it's just worse with her exhaustion.

Carly sat on Daniels lap, holding her stomach. She looked content at the moment. Not happy, but not anything else. Just calm.

She was happy to know she was having a little boy. We all knew he was going to be beautiful. And honestly I was excited for them.

"Daaaaadddyyyyyyy!" Carly whined.

"Yes princess?"

"I want pickles." She pulled her lip to a fake pout. Daniel just smiled.

"I can't get you pickles while you're on my lap." He smiled with a raised eyebrow.

I stood up quickly, holding out my hand for Carly. She smiled and grabbed my hand. Slowly swinging her legs off of Daniel.

She stood up slowly, holding her stomach.

She held onto me for dear life, steadying herself. Daniel got up quickly, walking to the fridge and pulling out a massive jar of pickles. It's been her go-to craving since she got pregnant.

Daniel quickly sat back down and patted his lap. She slowly sat back down on his lap, curling up to him while holding her pickles. I sat back down at the other side of the room.

"Thank you." She said with a smile, bitting into a whole pickle. Daniel chucked.

"No problem princess." He let out small chuckles as she ate through the first pickle in a few seconds.

I turned my attention to the TV. The comedian was going on about a story. I didn't understand what was going on because I decided to pay attention in the middle of the story. I didn't mind though. Some of the jokes were still funny.

"Danny?" I looked over at Carly.


"Can we go somewhere? I'm tired of being in the house." She pokes at a pickle with her finger, looking into the jar.

"We can go out if you want. You want to go anywhere specific at all? The mall, food court, Chinese?" He started throwing out places to go within an hour vicinity.

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