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Fan art by random_p0tato
Thank you so much! You captured him perfectly from the last chapter!

^^^also the song that inspired this chapter!
Listen while reading! You won't regret it!




Roses are not all red. Violets will never be blue. And whatever happens, You'll never love me the way I love you.

He didn't hug me back as I embraced him. His whole body stiffened under my touch.

I silently cried into his uniform, no longer caring.

"Uh you guys know each other?" The brunette asked.

Trevor didn't answer, and neither did I.

I stood there, embracing him. My heart slowly breaking from him not hugging back.

Trevor pushes on my shoulders, prying me off. I let go looking into his eyes. I only saw pain. How much pain he was in. He shook his head no, letting go of my shoulders.

I furrowed my brows, confused, angry, upset.

Trevor bowed his head slightly, sighing before walking away into my house. Leaving me on my Nana's lawn.

Nana walked over to me, placing her frail hand on my shoulder. A single tear slipped down my face. I stood still as she embraced me. "I'm so sorry baby..." she whispered into my neck.

"I-I'll give you guys some privacy..." I heard the brunette leave.

"What happened baby...." Nana asked, still holding me tight.

"It's all my fault.... I-I broke it off... so why does it hurt so bad...." I cried into my Nana's shoulder, finally embracing her.

"You love him baby. It's obvious. He's in a lot of pain though... give him some time." She said calmly while I cried.


It hurt just as much to do as it did to watch the aftermath.

I stood in the doorway, watching Jay break down into Nana. It hurt to see. Knowing that I wasn't the one holding him, the one comforting him.

It wasn't me.

I couldn't run back to him. I was too much of a mess and I didn't need to make his life worse by dragging him with me.

You might be thinking "wHaT tHe hElL wHeRe yOu ThInKiNg?!?!" Well... I couldn't do it. Running back to him would make everything worse. I couldn't take another heartbreak.

Hurting him right there was probably the worse thing I've done in a long time. But it needed to be done.

I need to learn how to be okay on my own. And so does he.

We can't be together while we are both broken. It just can't happen. It'll only hurt the both of us worse in the long run.

And if he truly loves me like he says? If I truly love him? Then this break will be hell for the both of us. Maybe even worse than it already is.

But I want him to be happy. With or without me. And I want the same for myself.

As selfish as it sounds. I want him to be happy. I need him to be happy. I need to be happy.

But I can't hold onto him like I have been. He can't keep being my crutch of happiness. He should only add to my happiness.

I need to be happy on my own.

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