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I woke up to Jaylynn laying in my chest. The memories of last night flooding through my head. I smiled as I looked at his decorative marks gracing his skin. Most of them a dark purple now. The marks from my thumbs on his throat left a nice purple mark.

I felt proud of my work. And I'm glad he enjoyed himself.

But it seems the last two times he's been out of it. I've seen it a few times before, but I don't want to assume. But I believe he went into subspace. Whether or not he knows it, I'll have to find out later.

I'm kinda curious to see if he goes into subdrop at some point today.
(A/N subdrop is when the sub comes off their high. Typically it leaves them in a depressive mood. This is a great time to support your sub, and be gentle. They are at a low point. It's a bad time to be using things like dirty talk.)

I ran my hand through his hair, pulling him close to me. "Mmmm daddy?" He whispered rubbing his eyes.

"I'm right here princess." He had a tired smile. I kissed his forehead, watching him smile like a goofball.

"You doing alright princess?" He didn't look like himself.

"I's sad daddy..." he rubbed his eyes, making a slight frown.

"Why's that princess?" I hugged him, gently rubbing his arm.

"I dunno..." I kissed the top of his head, holding him close.

"How about, you help daddy make breakfast, and we can do some shopping before we got to aunty Abby's house?" His face lit up.

"Otay!" He pressed his lips together as he tried to crawl out of bed.

He tried to stand up, but fell face first. I heard tiny cries from the other side of the bed where he laid. I quickly got up to comfort him.

"Shhhh, you're alright baby..." I held him as I sat on my knees. He crawled in my lap, sniffling.

"Daddy, I's got booboo..." he pouted.

"Where does it hurt baby?" He pointed to his forehead, and I kissed it gently. Letting my lips linger on his skin.

"Better?" He nodded his head. "You want daddy to help you walk?" He nodded his head again.

I slowly stood up, picking up Jay with me. I held him close, making sure he didn't fall again.

"Tummy hurt daddy..." he held his hand on his lower abdomen.

"I can help, but it requires a bath or shower. Would you like that before or after breakfast?"

"Now?" I smiled and walked him to the bathroom.

I set him down on the counter while I got the bath running. I waited for it to get hot before pouring bubbles in for Jay. I knew he'd like them. It had a nice green apple scent, one that I liked.

"Ready princess?" He nodded his head, getting down from the counter with a little help.

I stood him by the tub and helped him take of my sweats. He quickly moved his hands to cover himself. I had to hold back a chuckle. I still thought it was adorable.

"Do you want daddy with you, or do want to be by yourself?" He thought for a moment.

"Daddy first!" I smiled, taking off my joggers before stepping in. I waved Jay to me and helped him in.

He sat down in between my legs, leaning against my chest. "Bubbles daddy!" He played with the bubbles in front of him.

"Yes they are princess." I kissed the top of his head, running my hands on his thighs. "Alright princess, daddy's gotta help you with your belly ache. Do you trust me?"

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