13- XXX

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Sexy chapter, read if you want you weirdos

*hints that this chapter has the mega kinky*




I climbed on top of him, straddling his legs. He stiffened slightly, letting out a shakey laugh.

 He stiffened slightly, letting out a shakey laugh

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"Mmm, you're testing me princess..." his shirt I was still wearing slid up a bit, stopping right at the top of my thighs. Letting my pink lacey panties peak through.

"That's the point." I smirked. "And you said, and I quote, no sex until after we sign the contract. We signed it." He shook his head and smiled.

"I would have never guessed you'd be this forward about sex." I giggled.

"I like to keep people on their toes." I reached down and palmed him through his sweats, earning a low growl to escape from deep within his chest. "More or less, on edge maybe." I giggled at his reactions.

He leaned up to reach my face, I met him halfway, and we pressed our lips together. I continued to palm him while he gripped my ass, lifting the shirt slightly.

He squeezed my ass, making me wimpier under his touch.

"You wanna play kitten?" I smiled into the kiss, letting him know my answer.

"Kitten will happily play with daddy." He chuckled, kissing me with full force.

I continued to palm him, feeling his bulge grow with each passing second. He kissed me up and down my neck, making me moan with pleasure.

He sucked and bit my collar bone, leaving a trail of his marks, turning me on more.

I started to grind against his thigh, feeling the pressure start to build up within me.

He grabbed my hips, stopping me from moving.

"Oh princess... you just broke a rule. No touching or pleasing yourself without my permission." I let out a breathless moan at his dominating tone. "Does my princess already need a punishment?"

"Yes daddy, I've been a very bad boy..." I leaned into his ear, hearing him let out a low, dominating growl. He smacked my ass, leaving a stinging sensation to linger through my ass. Making me a moaning mess.

Trevor swiftly lifted me up, carrying me to a room I was never in before.

He opened the door, and I looked around, seeing my wildest dream right in front of me.

"Welcome to my playroom kitten." He kissed my ear as I looked around slightly. He set me down and I stood in front of him. Not moving. Not making eye contact.

"Now pet..." he walked around me in circles, slowly. Inspecting every inch of me. "Take off the shirt."

I let out a shakey breath and slowly peeled off the shirt, leaving me in his lacey surprise.

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