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Warning ⚠️
In no way am I a medical professional, or know anything about how hospitals work. For the sake of this story, let's say I know what I'm talking about.

But if any medical professionals want to correct me and educate me, feel free to message me on Wattpad and I will gladly update any chapters needed about the medical field and how things work.

Thank you,

And enjoy. Grab your tissues ❤️




We basically sped to the hospital. Careful to avoid cops.

The whole way there, Carly sat still faced in the back seat.

When we finally made it to the hospital, we all quickly tried to make our way out of the truck. Trevor carrying Carly to the door.

I forgot I didn't have shoes on... and I wasn't in the most.... "appropriate" outfit ever. But Daniel was more important than worrying about that.

"We are looking for Daniel Shepherd!!!" Trevor called to the nurse at the front.

"Are you his family?" The Nurse asked.

"IM HIS FIANCÉE! WHERE IS HE!!" Carly called angrily at the Nurse.
(A/N she's just his girlfriend, she's just saying that because she thinks it'll get her more priority to see him.)


"Carly Mills." She sounded irritated.

After a few clicks on the computer, the nurse spoke up. "I'm sorry miss Mills. Daniel is in surgery. You can't go back there." The nurse kept a straight face, trying to remain calm.

"Can I at least know what happened?!" Trevor set Carly down and she held herself up on the counter.

Trevor motioned me to go get a wheelchair that was behind us.

I calmly walked to grab a wheelchair, with many people staring me up and down. Either from disgust, or like they were going to eat me.

I have never been more uncomfortable.

"Mr. Shepherd was in a car accident. A drunk driver hit the drivers side of his vehicle. That's all I know." I pulled behind Carly with a wheelchair.

The nurse looked a bit intimidated by Carly. I didn't blame her. This was a whole 'nother side of Carly that I have never seen before.

Carly stayed silent.

Trevor helped her into the wheelchair. She kept looking at her hands.

"You can wait in the private waiting room over there and we will come in there when we have updates on Daniel." The nurse put on a small smile as she pointed to the room in the hall.

"Thank you." Trevor said to her kindly.

He pushed Carly in the wheelchair as we all entered the small waiting room.

I closed the small door. Now. We play the waiting game.


Hours passed, Carly didn't move much. Just sat there and stared at the floor. Trevor's leg was bouncing up and down as he looked at the clock, and I just kept watching the two of them.

A few times we got up to get something to eat, but not much changed.

Food, sit, wait.

It was now 10pm. And we've been waiting for quiet a few hours. Just sitting in silence.

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