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I didn't have much money to buy something fancy, so I ended up making some spaghetti for Veronica. I cleaned up in the living room a little bit and prepared the table... I didn't know what else I was supposed to do before she arrived, I wasn't particularly messy, leaving boxers or around or anything like that.

 She was 5 minutes early.

I walked up to the door and let her in, glancing behind my back. Jude was sitting on the couch, reading something, but Veronica did obviously not see him. That's good at least.

"You've got a nice place" she complimented, as I showed her where to put her coat.

"It's small, but it's enough for two" I nodded. We sat around the table.

"Your roommate is out?" her eyes wandered around the apartment, probably looking for Jude. 

"Yeah, I felt like it'd be a little strange to have him around now" 

After that, a little silence fell on us, and I nervously cleared my throat. 

 I felt a little awkward... What was I supposed to say? 

Ask about her... that should be good, girls like talking about themselves...? I'm not sure.

"How'd you get involved with Adam in the first place?" Ah, a great ice-breaker. Bring up the dead guy... I internally rolled my eyes, and as we started eating, I glanced at her, waiting for the response.

She swallowed a bit and looked away, trying to recall the event I suppose.

"Well, we were together in high school for a month or so... ever since that, occasionally when he got drunk, he started to act entitled to me, like we are still together, in this undying love..." she explained with air quotes, but then looked at the table a little shyly.

"I feel bad talking shit about someone who died." she admitted, and I smiled a little, for the first time genuinely. I had the same feeling when I first thought of the fact that Adam deserved what he got... I'm not completely guilt-free when it comes to his death, but I figured Jude was very on edge, just waiting for me to wish one bad thing, for one second, so he could grant it. He was cruel, that was not a secret between us.

Jesus, stop thinking of Jude. You are on a date! - I mentally scolded myself and set my focus on the girl again.

"I know how you feel... But I guess he won't mind it anymore..." I cracked a half-smile and for a while, she just stared at me, then burst into a small giggle.

"That was so bizarre" she laughed, trying to stop herself by putting a hand before her mouth. I admired the sight for a second because for the first time with Veronica, I felt like she understood me more. I wasn't kidding but her not freaking out is also a step, isn't it?

We kept on talking, and I actually had a pretty decent time. Veronica, despite her petite look, could eat a lot, which I did not realize until she finished the 3rd boul of pasta.

"Do you have hobbies besides art?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"Not much. I have a part-time job next to university, so I'm kind of just trying to stay alive... Guess my other hobby is napping." I chuckled a little and she joined me. I never really paid attention to her, other than a few chit-chats, but she was actually kind of a pleasant company. 

"Would you show me a few pieces perhaps?" she suggested, standing up from the table, and I hesitated for a second... my portfolio was in school... and the ones I only make for my own are... I swallowed a little, making an awkward smile. 

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