The Game - part 1

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/This chapter and the next one kind of goes together, so I decided to name them differently from the rest, this format will only stand for these two, if anyone was confused (which you probably wasn't but whatever). 

By the time I arrived at the strange funhouse's main hall, side by side with Lucifer, everyone else seemed to be gathered. My jaw locked tightly, as I led my eyes through the barely dressed boys and girls, mostly my age. All of them had collars, different designs though completely, but all richly decorated with beautiful stones and gold. 

The floor looked like a chess-board, and right above us, a long gallery stood, where the sins waited for everyone to be silent. 

  "Have fun, Seth" Lucifer offered me a shifty smile, placing his hand on my back, where Jude usually keeps his, and my skin crawled as if it refused to have anyone else touch me other than him.

Or maybe it was just my general discomfort and burning hatred towards Lucifer... both could be true. 

"Don't let the illusions bite..." he whispered in my ear before giving me a light push. Just as I could've replied to him, he disappeared from my side, and I was left with the silently staring and gaping pets in front of me. With me, there were about 10 people here, excluding the sins of course, but I was obviously the odd one out, in a suit and tie next to all the sexily, but not very practically covered crowd. 

"Welcome" the woman spoke up, and now every eye turned from me to her, including mines. Her features were more than pleasant to look at, and so I had no problem paying attention for this short while... I wonder what was her name, I would've found it rude to just address her as "Pride". 

"At the table on your right, you can find your crystals. Each of you shall take one, and put it anywhere on their body. You are free to try something sneaky, but I also have to remind you all, that the hunters aren't shy" she continued, her voice formal and stern, while she motioned to the table. No one really moved until' I did, and I wasn't sure why, but judging by the other's faces, they were so broken in that they hardly breathed if they weren't ordered to. I couldn't decide if I was more repulsed if it was just immense pity that clenched my chest this way. I could never become like this, and I'm pretty sure Jude knows that... I hoped at least that he does. And I hoped that he wouldn't want to see me as such a brainless, broken soul... But of course, I'll find out when I actually die. 

I walked over to the table and picked up one of the small crystals. It was the size of a fingertip, and I stared at it for a short while, wondering where should I hide it. 

I slowly ran my finger through my upper body, trying to feel which part is the most hidden, or less likely to be found by simple touches... The stone was small enough to hide in my V-line so I quickly pulled my dressing shirt up and placed it in the small dip just above my crotch. Should be fine. 

The other pets walked over to me, and they did the same, mainly just staring at the small stone in confusion, but they ended up picking their chest, or the inner side of their arm or thigh. The last thing I wanted is for Jude to have a reason to get between my legs really, so that certainly didn't come up as an option for me. 

"The game will be held in this funhouse, and right now we are on the ground floor. The goal is pretty simple: You have to get to the roof. Once you do, you win the game... As for the rules: 

Each floor will have at least one task, that you have to complete before you can get to the other elevator. Both the tasks and the illusions will be made up by one of your hunters at a time, and though you'll be going to the same place, you won't see each other due to the nature of this magic, so don't even think about getting through it by someone else. 

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