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It was strange how with each day passing, I found it harder to work in the café. I struggled to keep my mouth shut and keep my comments to myself when people complained about seriously stupid stuff, and it was probably because my life became harder as well, with a huge irritation named Jude, messing up my mood either way. 

As I washed a few cups, I tried to ignore Suzanne's sweet and delightful voice, explaining in detail how great and hot Jude really is. I found my stomach clench with hatred every time I heard her say his name, and I couldn't find a reasonable explanation for it. Suzanna was really the most trustworthy, most ride-or-die friend I was lucky enough to have and I didn't know why do I have such distaste for her happiness. They have recently been on their... 3rd date or so? And with each time I grew more and more annoyed when I hear about it, especially because Jude never really mentions it to me. 

"Veronica is quite busy nowadays, isn't she?" Suzy's huge eyes glanced back to mines, and I offered her a tired smile. 

"Yeah, she's working on her art projects... I should be as well, to be honest, but... My partner is Jude and I'm just not very comfortable" I chuckled "He will make me look like a fool in his pictures, I'm quite sure." 

She joined me in laughing, and with that, she went on her way to deliver a few ice-coffees. 

Truth be told, Veronica wasn't busy I just made everything purposely so we wouldn't be able to meet up. I honestly liked her, and that's the reason I knew things had to be over between us, at least romantically. I cheated on her, and I didn't even know with whom... Not to mention that Jude planned on having my first strike soon. He told me, that we would start with my middle school bully, whom I don't know how he knew about, but I agreed, that guy deserves all that he gets. Or at least in theory... I was a little chickening out of the whole murder thing. 

The sun has already set when I started to make my way back to our flat, growing more irritated with each step. I was tired, angry, confused and immensely guilty about my nonexisting feeling towards my own girlfriend. Not nonexisting but... too little too late. I can't find myself being drawn to her, though I like talking to her, so I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just not as sexually active as most guys my age. 

"Welcome home" with the well-known voice, came an equally pleasant scent, and I threw my shoes off to check what's going on in the kitchen. 

"You can cook?" I stared at Jude, who was busying himself in the kitchen right at this moment, two dishes already served. Some delicious-smelling soup and steak for the main course. Where the hell did he get these from? I can't afford things like that, so surely not from our fridge. 

"I've existed for long years, so yes, I can cook... You look exceptionally tired... what's troubling you, Seth?" I got suspicious since he seemed to be so kind tonight. Why would he care, though? Probably just to laugh at my misery, and brush it under my nose that he told me that what I want won't be fulfilled with Veronica. Is this what he wants to hear? But what does fulfil my desires then? I guess I have to find the person I hooked up with, but then again, how? 

"Suzanne is very invested in you... emotionally. She talks about you all day...You are going to break her heart" I reminded him sternly, getting my jacket off and I hung it up, searching for his eyes. He sat down at the table, not showing much emotion on his face. 

"How do you know, I'm not invested in her?" the question struck me more than it should've and I felt my stomach curl up, for some unknown reason. I sat down as well, concentrating on the beautiful meal. 

"Well, are you?" 

"Eat your meal" his eyes sat on me, letting my expression sink in and he seemed to enjoy it, more than someone looking at me should. Probably just bathing in my miserable state, but I just about had enough of his asshole attitude. 

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