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As soon as I managed to push Jude off of me, and sit up so I could face Veronica, she marched at me, pulling me into a tight hug as she sat down on my lap with surprising ease. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there frozen, but soon enough I caught a glimpse of small noises, alerting me that she was crying. 

Gently putting my hand around her, accepting the uninvited hug, I tried to shush her so she could tell what happened. 

We sat there for about 5 minutes, while she quietly cried on my shoulders, quite literally, and if it wasn't embarrassing enough that I was half-naked, and wearing lingerie, Jude made loud noises of impatience, clearing his throat, and scoffing, so Ver would finally start talking, but I shushed him. She was obviously distressed. 

"So-someone b-broke into my ap-apartment" she tried saying between tears, while slowly pulling away from my chest so I could see her puffy red, yes still beautiful eyes. 

"Oh, and you ran all the way here... what a sporty girl you are" Jude commented sarcastically, earning an angry glare from me. He really had no filter even in times like this, and couldn't stop being a dick to her. 

Veronica quietly explained that someone broke into her apartment, and left strange stalker messages, talking of how they will take her soon because they were "meant to be together". She said she overheard which hotel we went to, so she got on the bus, not feeling safe anywhere in the town. My heart sank, knowing I was nowhere near her to help when she needed it. I've never seen her so helpless before, but whenever she seemed to be in trouble, something deep inside me woke, something that was maybe the only good part of me, that wanted to keep her safe. Maybe that urge made me get in a fight against Adam that night... Who knows, but one thing was sure, I couldn't let her down now. 

"Well... why don't you stay with us? We'll have a dinner to attend to tomorrow, but it should be alright. No one knows you are here" I reassured her, which to a hopeful smile appeared on her tired face, but it faded quickly.

"I don't want to be left alone" she said a little weakly, searching my eyes helplessly. I hesitated, not knowing how to say no to that pair of innocent blue eyes. They glistened from her tears, as her hands held my shoulders with all their might, which I have to admit, wasn't much. 

"No. Absolutely no. We have a little bit of a private business here, don't we Seth?" Jude interrupted sharply, but I ignored him. 

"It'll be fine." My voice told everyone in the room that I was decided, even if Jude did not wish to agree even a bit.  I'll just leave her with Jude when the time will come for me to get hot and bothered with Harvis. It shouldn't be much of a complication... 

I let Veronica rest in the bed since she was exhausted, and she couldn't sleep last night given the events of yesterday. The evening was soon upon us anyways, but I decided to stay up because there weren't enough beds for all three of us to sleep separately, and I didn't really want to have one of my night terrors when Ver was around. I ordered a coffee up to the room and waited in the smaller living room area of the hotel-room with Jude. 

Speaking of which, I have never seen the demon more irritated in my life, but obviously, he didn't know how to speak up about it yet, so we just sat there in silence while I sipped on my coffee.

"Seth... Isn't this a little too convenient?" he said after a short while, his voice deep and gentle as if he wanted me to stay calm. 

"Convenient? Someone is stalking her!" I growled, keeping my voice down as well, so she would awake. 

"Or so she says. Funny how she "overheard" where we stay, because we never mentioned it in front of her..."  I refused to even think his words thought, simply because even if she were lying, I'm sure she had a good reason. Veronica was not like us. Not like Jude, and not like me, she was something entirely different, something that was too precious to even get entangled with me, yet here we were. She was innocent, and I could absolutely not imagine her having any malicious intentions, even though I don't think I'm naive. 

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