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I don't know if you've ever been to a church in the evening, but it's rather unpleasant. Not much people are left there, or in my case, no one was occupying the unnecessarily big building at the moment, other than the priest, I presumed. 

The pattering sound of my walking stick filled the great hall around me, echoing in the complete silence. 

So how do I do this? I pray? Or does Leon just know I'm here... I mean that's just a random church, so I'm not certain how would that work. 

As I was walking through the hallway, created by the seats around me, I had the chance to observe my surroundings. Funny enough, even though I mostly liked overdone, and richly decorated things, churches always left me feeling unnerved. I've never been a believer, but I didn't have a problem with them either... But these places, they really did cause great discomfort in me, and I couldn't quite tell why. 

"Can I help you?" The male voice earned my attention soon enough, and I focused my eyes on the pastor, who was sitting alone in one of the benches, facing the altar. What struck me first was the fact that he wasn't balding. I thought that was like a requirement for priests... I almost smiled at the stupid thought, before getting myself together and taking my eyes off of the simple brown locks, to see him eye-to-eye. 

"I'm looking for someone" I said after a short while, my voice stern and calm, standing a few feet away from him. 

"Most people are when they come here" he offered me a peaceful smile, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at his fake-woke bullshit. 

"Who is it that you are looking for, young man?" 

"An Angel. But I doubt that he wants to see me" I scoffed quietly, turning my attention from him to the alter, trying to find some joy in the golden details, and the mesmerizing paintings on the walls and the ceiling. 

It's been a while since I've drawn anything other than my assignments... Why is that? I've been drawing my whole life... 

I guess I'm afraid what I would find on the paper... or I just can't get down to it between all the events that occurred lately. 

He was silent for a second, so I glanced back at him. His eyes were drawn to my walking-stick for a bit, his expression going from calm to tense quite quickly. 

"Chaos?" He questioned, distaste filling his tone.

I don't get it... Jude gets and actual name, that's even close to his real one, and I get Chaos. Maybe Chase, or something, get creative with it, whoever wrote this fucking prophecy. 

"What gave it away?" I asked a little sarcastically, even though I wasn't sure what actually caused him to speculate about my identity. 

"The wolf" He replied raspily, gesturing towards my walking-stick, before he stood from his place, not seeming like he was in any sort of distress, but he stuck his nose up as if he was too good to breathe the same air as I did. My gaze followed his movements, as he rose to his full height, barely getting above me with a few inches. 

"I usually only let demons lean that close to me, father, are you sure this is appropriate?" I smirked since he probably thought I'll step back so he could stand up, but I didn't move an inch out of malice, which resulted in his face being uncomfortably close to mine. Though it was only uncomfortable for him... I enjoyed watching his embarrassed features. Now I understand why Jude is doing this to me... it's quite entertaining. 

He cleared his throat, pressing himself to me while trying to by-pass me, and I still didn't react, letting his body brush against mine while it got more awkward with the minute. I chuckled when he finally got away, and got a few feet distance between us. 

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