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On the third day of our little trip, Jude and I began planning the murder, and the seduction of Harvis. I wanted to torture him before he dies, but there were a few obstacles, besides just the kidnapping part... Leon and the other feathery crew. Since I declared war on (as it appears) both heaven and hell, I had to count in, that they will try to interfere with my plan like last time. 

Jude said, Angels can't hurt humans, therefore they can't kill me either... However, they can quickly ruin my plans with Harvis, if I'm not careful about it. 

Harvis was going to organize a dinner party tomorrow, at his house, which made it a little bit more complicated. It's not easy to kidnap the host of a party, but also a great way to make a scene after I killed him. I wanted to put him on display, for everyone to see. All these rich bastards will have an excellent and memorable night, that's for sure. 

"Are you sure this is needed?" I asked finally, scanning myself in the bathroom mirror. Jude bought me some kind of male lingerie, which was mainly a black, kind of laced bottom piece, with a string leading up my chest to my neck, where it formed an elegant, thin collar, with a belt at my waist, making sure my toned body was really put on display with it's best qualities.  

My face looked tired, but almost in a flattering manner... if someone had a vampire kink, here I am. Pale, kinda dead, hating the sunlight, and I got a little thinner so my cheekbones were really living their best life. 

"Do you want to seduce him, or not?" Jude's voice was a little bit in a "duh" manner, but I wasn't sure if this was needed. I mean, the last time it went pretty smoothly, though it's true now I would need him to be less at his senses than before. Pulled my pants up, to see how uncomfortable it would be to wear this under normal clothes, but surprisingly, it was so bad. 

Jude was leaning against the doorframe, scanning my figure with well hid interest, though I'm pretty sure when he bought this, he imagined me wearing it for a different purpose. And as much as I'd like to deny, I'd wear it more enthusiastically, if it were for him, not a 40-year-old creep. 

"It has a kind of BDSM vibe, do you think he is into that?" I wondered turning to him fully, as he walked into the bathroom, slowly but surely cornering me with his body. 

"Well I don't have any insides to his personal preferences, but I think he'll like it either way. Black makes your skin look more fragile than it actually is, you know. Cowards like him, love fragile people" I nodded along to his explanation, trying to ignore his presence right in front of me. Leaning against the bathroom counter, I tried acting like this was all a normal distance to have between two people. 

"I realized something, while I was listening to you speaking to Leon..." he announced, his face calm but serious. 

"Enlighten me" I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my discomfort about this intimacy that I felt between us suddenly. 

"You think higher of me than you should be" I made quite a surprised face, not really wanting to admit that it was true. Everyone I have ever met was very certain that Jude is the worst being that ever walked the earth, but I just didn't see it that dramatically? I've met much worse people than he is.  

"Why would you say that?" I questioned, avoiding his eyes a little. 

"Why else would you be so certain I'm not Judas?"  he prompted, curiously scanning my face. Did he start having doubts if he is him or not? But... we don't even meet the story-line of that so-called duo.  

"I'm sure because there is no way you are in love with me" I chuckled in an uncomfortable manner, not wanting to boost his ego. I did think he was more than just an empty shell of evil and bad... He did mean a lot to me, and he did do a lot of nice things, he totally didn't have to. He still had the chance and the power to just order me to do whatever, still, he didn't use it. He made me breakfast and dinner and bought my favourite wine, even lulled me to sleep despite the fact that I almost suffocated him in my dream.  Yeah sure, he was a complete dick as a person, but the source of all evil? Unlikely. 

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