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"Jude... DOOR" I mumbled after the third attempt of the demon going into our hotel-room with the entrance locked, using only my back to break down the obstacle in his way.

"Right" his growl was soon followed by one of his hands leaving my thigh and reaching for the doorknob, while my arms tightened around his neck so I wouldn't fall from his hold.

Despite both of us being wasted, I felt surprisingly sober... It was different than my other sloppy nights with him when I got drunk enough to get what I wanted... It was different from anything I have ever felt before.

As we finally got into our room, he didn't waste much time on preparing the setting, as he usually does. He didn't ask me to undress, or kneel down, or do anything he would force me to oblige with, but I wasn't under the naive impression that he is going to let go of his sadistic taste for this occasion.

He roughly threw me on the bed, and as I tried to sit up after the hard collision with the mattress, he got on top of me, getting a hold of my wrist, and forcing them above my head to keep me in position. The aforementioned action was enough to get me going even more, and that probably reflected in my eyes, because he smirked at me in that cocky, vicious way, that suggested my twistedness satisfied his hopes.

"Is that all you've got, Seth? I hoped you'd put up a fight" he whispered in my ears, running his tongue over my neck, just under my jaw-line, teasingly if anything. His words sent a strange, rushing feeling through me, and I couldn't help but smile at his sick idea, that somehow turned me on more than I'd like to admit... Despite, me not having a bit of chance against his physical strength, I didn't even think twice before, pulling my knees up quickly, managing to kick the inner side of his leg.

Using the element of surprise, and his softened grip, I rolled over hoping to escape the disadvantageous position, but as I tried to push myself up into a sitting position, he grabbed a good chunk of my hair and pushed my head into the pillows with surprising force. His chest pressed against my back and his hard-on to my ass, but I wasn't about to give up yet, despite not being able to move whatsoever.

I panted into the pillow, trying to breathe through the thick material, while Jude's fingers hooked the waist of my pants, and he pulled them off with a swift motion, against my will, might I add.

"That wasn't very hard..." he continued his coaxing whispers, sending pleasant shivers down my spine each time his hot breath reached my skin.

"Unlike you" I reached up to his arm that held my head in place and dug my nails into his hand with all my might, and though he moved ever so slightly, it was only enough to gain a second of freedom, which I obviously didn't waste. I kicked him again, though not sure where, since I couldn't see him at all. My attack gave me enough place to slip out of his grasp, however, the momentum of this action led me to roll off the bed, and hit the floor hard as I gave in to gravity's pull.

I quickly pushed myself up into a sitting position, so I would see where my 'opponent' was, but I sure as hell wasn't prepared for the sight. Jude's head snapped after me, his movements calculated yet easy and elegant, like an apex predator's. His ruby eyes glowed in the dark, and my heart fluttered with excitement, instead of the fear, which any healthy human being should be feeling in my place.

He stood from the bed, and slowly made his way to me as if he had all the time in the world to hunt me down, and he probably did; The hotel room was too small for me to escape or run away, not to mention I had no intention of leaving. I stood up, but before I could've moved further, I was already pinned against the wall, as Jude took his second victim from my clothes, and ripped my boxers, throwing the ruined material across the room.

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