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/Okay so here it is. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and sorry for the late update, I was quite busy, but finally got to write it! 

Love you all ~ /

The Pink Panther was everything I expected it to be and more. People were all over the place by the time we arrived, dancing, and grinding against each other in the dim neon lights and flashes, as most everyone was already wasted. 

Jude led me through the crowd, holding me close so I don't get lost in the chaos, but I didn't feel unsafe or uncomfortable. The music was so loud it was resinating in my chest, but it wasn't awful, I let it rush through me. Distractions. That's what I came here for... and that's what I'll get. 

As we successfully cut through the room to the bar, I quickly stepped away from Jude and sat down onto one of the tall chairs examining the glass shelves in front of us.  

"What can I get you?" The bartender's eyes flickered between me and Jude with a friendly smile. 

"I'll have whiskey, and Seth a... Mojito" I gaped at his decision, despite actually liking that cocktail, I gave him a short glare, and shook my head. With a swift motion, I put my elbows down on the counter and leaned in closer to the barista to make sure he heard me:

"I'll have a double-whiskey with ice" my correction earned a little bit of tension from the demon's side, especially because we both knew I couldn't hold my drink, but whatever. I didn't want him to order for me like that, I wasn't a child.

Though, thinking of it, maybe you shouldn't order a Mojito for a child anyway...

"You don't even like whiskey" 

"Don't tell me what I do and don't like" I snapped back snarkily when the bartender turned away to make our drinks. I felt like I'll melt under Jude's gaze, which suggested he was more than displeased with me, and though that made my stomach tighten in nervousness, I didn't let it get to me. 

"Bratty much?"  he asked without a hint of a smile on his quite firm expression. 

"Shut your mouth, demon"  I suppressed my satisfied grin, knowing how annoyed he will be at this totally uncalled for rudeness from my side, and kept up a straight face. 

He cocked an eyebrow up in disbelief, and gently placed a finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him from a more uncomfortable angle. I didn't dare to tear my head away, but this meant I had to oblige with the position which wasn't very... pleasurable for my neck.  

For a few, but awfully long seconds he just locked eyes with me, with a look that told me to not turn my attention from him, despite him being silent, and to be perfectly honest, it wasn't hard to keep my gaze on him; Dark and handsome? No, not quite. He was wicked and beautiful if I'd had to describe his presence and appearance with adjectives that already exist. Eyes sharp like a razor, and inhumanly crimson, as if they were rubies, framed perfectly by those impossibly black lashes. All so vibrant, and clear, yet every detail carefully crafted, with no imperfections to be found... It was apparent, unlike humans, Jude was designed.  All angels were, I believe, and therefore most demons, but only Jude had this effect on me. 

I wonder why... 

"Watch your tone, dear" he warned in a low, humming voice, making me swallow again in order to not look very intimidated by his sight. 

Perhaps, my mind was wired wrong, when I was born... Intimidation and fear sent an order to my brain, opposite to what would have been healthy or logical for any living being, and even now, I felt the need to have the last word, instead of shutting up. 

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