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/ Hi everyone. This chapter will be in Jude's pov, and also it'll be in third person because I need to train myself in that field. Please be gentle with me, I'm not experienced writing that way, but here it goes. /


The underworld is not the prettiest place of all, to say the least, but it has its' special charm to it. Especially for demons, the smell of cursed and broken souls fill the air, probably reminding them of home and violence, both which relax them deeply. 

Jude's mind was still stuck in Seth's living room, his memory trained on the desperate and helpless expression of his darling boy. So guilty, so lost, the only thing holding back him from pleading for Jude's help was his infamous pride. Not as if he could have helped him, even if he didn't have to leave for a short while... There was nothing to be done there, Seth had to learn on his own skin, not to lie to himself, and especially to his master... But given the boy rarely ever listened to him, now two little mortal girls' heart broke.

Suzy meant next to nothing to Jude, and he straight up despised Veronica's very existence, but he had a soft spot for watching his darling hurt, and he had to miss it today, because of none other than that enormous prick - Lucifer.  

As his thoughts wandered back to the night before, a smile danced in the corner of his lips, enjoying the memory of the boys' inexperienced, yet hungry and sensual touches. The perfect match of pride, and machoism, the combination of strength and brokenness... so much to explore, and so much to make of him. Seth was no ordinary mortal soul, he knew that well, but still, it fascinated him how wrapped up he could become in a simple human for Jude did not care much about mortals. Seth would not give up easily, and that made him the sweetest dessert of all. 

"My Lord" 

The mongrel's voice broke him from his deep thoughts, and his unfriendly, stern eyes settled on the low-life creature. Some unfortunate souls who angered their masters, or just didn't seem quite fun anymore, got turned into hideous things, such as this one before him... some combination of a dog and a lizard, his tongue poking out every time it spoke. 

"Lucifer is awaiting me" Jude spat with ease, not planning or wanting to offer any respect or comfort to the beast. It was nothing but an animal for him, even lower. Despite popular belief, demons didn't come after just any soul, or to be precise, aristocrats, such as Jude or Lucifer, didn't. It would always have to be something exceptional since they sometimes had to spend years fulfilling their wishes... demons picked those who had the potential of evil and greatness in them at the same time... And well, those who turned out to be mongrels, were not the type of souls that Jude had any respect for. 

"He has a guest at the moment, sir" the mongrel murmured, almost too afraid to breathe in the presence of the other. The demon's lips twitched into a small snarl, and the lizard started to shake as he stooped even lower. 

"So now he will have two guests." with that, Jude pushed the thing away and with a wave of his hand opened the enormous door in front of him, walking into the mansion of the underworld's king. Lucifer wasn't someone Jude was very invested in, he didn't like his tasteless humour and his childishly overdramatic actions, but like everyone else, he had to follow the rules too, and so he couldn't just turn down when he was summoned by such a person. 

"Judas..." recalling the only one who dared using this nickname for him, he already knew who he would find in the Hall, sitting across from Lucifer. Long legs, a perfect hourglass figure, and blood-red lipstick. Unmistakable. 

"Vix" Jude concluded nonchalantly, acknowledging the demon woman. He knew all too well that she and Lucifer had their fair share of nights together, and he really hoped he didn't walk in here to experience one of those. Luckily, Vixen seemed to be dressed - at least to the point of appropriateness. A short black leather skirt, and a deep velvet corset, pushing her breaths up and together. Offered not much to Jude, he didn't find joy in the female body but that was rather known in the demon world. 

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