Twenty- Eight

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Lucifer, Jude and I parted in a strange manner. It was normal, in every aspect if you viewed it from the outside, but somehow I could feel an odd tension between everyone, not really knowing what to think of one another. 

 Until' now, I saw Lucifer as my inevitable enemy and Jude as my dangerous and quite complicated companionship... But now, it just seemed like we were 3 people, getting our life fucked with because some old text says we are supposed to be killing each other. I knew Lucifer and I will never be friends, mainly because I didn't intend to be, and he despised me, as he so politely had put it, but that didn't mean I shall have a reason to be his nemesis. 

Each time I leave hell, I get the feeling I leave a part of me there... Or maybe I bring something with me. Whichever it is, the now, familiar feeling of change rushed through me with a tingling sensation as we stepped through the gates. I knew what I wanted to do next... The murders could wait, I first had to set the record straight. 

"Do you know the full prophecy?" my question obviously tore Jude from his thoughts, since it took a few seconds for him to look up at me from our coffee machine. His velvet eyes scanned me with an emotion right between caution and curiosity, before opening his mouth to answer. 

"Not the full... just the more drastic parts I guess. I never took the time to study it" he admitted still a little questioningly. I knew each time I asked something suspicious, he was trying to tell how bad of an idea did I set my mind to. 

I was seated in my armchair, playing with my walking-stick in one hand, spinning it around between my fingers while I was thinking, my eyes fixated on the floor for a while.

"Tell me what you know" I prompted, raising my gaze to his. He hesitated for a second, but as our coffees got ready, he got both of the cups and brought one to me, sitting down on the couch with his own. 

"Hmmm... It writes about Judas quite vaguely, before he meets Chaos. I recall the text mentions, that Judas's type of love is damned to destroy his subject of affection, no matter what it is, due to his uncontrollable flames..." he almost scoffed, remembering the story "He falls in love with a mortal, Chaos, and helps him destroy both heaven and hell. As for Chaos... he is described to be wrathful, and power-hungry. Also having a "twisted sense of justice" and being "overwhelmingly enthralled by darkness"..." I smiled, as I was listening to Jude. His voice serious and gentle, also trying to be cynical, though we probably both knew I, vaguely, but fitted the description. It was quite sweet of him, to pretend I wasn't all these things, and I could only feel grateful for his efforts. 

"Isn't there any particular thing that the prophecy speaks about, that I will do? Before killing Lucifer?" I pushed further, earning another questioning glance from him. 

"What are you trying to get at?" 

I smiled a little, determination glimmering in my eyes. 

"I can't prove, that you aren't in love with me..." I began, gesturing towards him with my hand as I spoke. Jude gave me a look that I couldn't put anywhere really, it was somewhere between exhausted and "Are you kidding me?"... I knew he was tired of my plans, and that we already had a rough two days behind us, but this was important, and I also imagined he would like it for once. 

"... But maybe if I could read the prophecy more precisely, I could find something that I can just break... If I managed to do anything, that it says I won't I could prove it's bullshit, and all of us would be freed from it!" To my disappointment, Jude didn't share my enthusiasm... I thought I found the cure to all our problems, but he only gave me a soft smile that grown-ups give to kids, who still dream way too big. 

"The point of the prophecy is that it's vague... I can't imagine there would be anything in it, that you could easily disprove... And even if there was, it's kept in heaven... And I hope I'm not being rude to assume neither of us is getting in there any time soon." He stood up from his place, giving a gentle ruffle to my hair, before drinking down the last sip of his coffee. 

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