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"Strip down to boxers, will you?" his voice rang in my ears for a good few seconds, before I could actually comprehend what he just asked me to do. A visible snarl appeared on my lips, as I noticed my hands moving on their own, reaching for my suit. 

I bore my eyes into him, but I could not get any answers. He wasn't grinning, or anything, his stare was stern and sharp, the kind that made me want to disappear. He stood there, dressed in all the desires I never even dared to utter, afraid the wind would hear me.

 I wanted to stop staring at that man. I really did. I would've been the happiest person alive, if I somehow would have found the courage in me, to decline him - but every time I even came close to tearing my gaze from him, he smiled the most beautiful smile that exists under the sky, and I was lost once more. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my fingers undoing my jacket's button.

"What exactly?"

"I hoped you would answer that as well." I breathed out with a soft, exhausted chuckle, not even trying to fight my decision of undressing before him. 

His eyes dropped down as I began to undo my pants, then travelled up to my now naked chest, taking the sight in with contained hunger. I liked that about him. The control - the beast, twinkling in his gaze, yet never fully appearing.I didn't possess such virtues; my anger didn't stop, nor began with a small spark. 

"I can do this the way you will like it... How it will feel right." He whispered, placing two fingers under my chin to raise my gaze to his. Once our eyes locked, I couldn't breathe anymore, but I felt it was not needed anyway.

"I can be very rude... If you ask me to be. But you have to say it." 

Speechless, I just stared back at him. Rude... What an elegant choice of words for what I wanted him to be. 

"Do it." I asked quietly.

"I assume you remember your safeword." 


As soon as the word left my mouth, the gentle touch he had on my chin turned into a grip, so strong I thought the bone will crack under the pressure. I let him hold me, unsure what was the procedure. 

"Are we going down without a fight?" he teased, getting a hold of my hair as he began to drag me towards the bed with solid elegance. He showed exactly no sign of struggle, carrying me whole weight after him, and it pissed me off.

I grabbed onto his arm, trying to push him away, as I finally understood the twisted game he offered me. 

"I find it hard to believe you ever fought anyone... Don't get me wrong, the attempt was adorable but..." his mocking fueled my energy, though with his fingers closely locked on my hair, it was hard to protest against any of his movements. With a swift throw, he pushed me onto the bed and I turned on my back to be ready for his attack. As he got on top of me, an excited smile settled on my lips, struggling against his new grip on both my wrists.

"It's not fair... You are a demon!"

"Oh yes, this is my "I'm so sorry" face" he pointed at his expression which was everything but apologetic. I couldn't quite tell why, but somehow now his elegant dark locks made his face appear much more like a wolf, rather than the gentleman that he usually disguised himself as. I suppose, that was part of Jude's charm... the wolf in sheep clothing; mortal sins offered on a silver spoon. 

I wish I had seen something similar to what other people saw when looking at the demon.

Judas. All that is evil and wrong. A morally flawed monster...

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