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/Hi everyone! So this is the final chapter of the first book (Make Me), BUT there will be an epilogue/trailer for the second book here (Make Us), so technically, the next one will be the very last chapter.

Love you all, and thanks for all your kind words /

The first thing that brought me back to consciousness, was the cold hard floor under me... It was a familiar feeling, laying there, with the cold against my face, and the numbness in my body that made it difficult to move.

I soon found out, why was it so familiar, as I opened my eyes: I've dreamed about this exact moment before. Or to put it better, I had a reoccurring nightmare about it.

I glanced around the huge, light marble hall, watching the insane amount of white-robed people, standing in a straight line at the two long sides of the room, leaving more than enough place to display Jude, chained to the wall across the room from me. Silver cuffs held his hands up, connecting to the white, plain walls. 

He let his head hang, despite obviously being awake, which I could tell by the way he was breathing - I mean the rythm of his shoulders lifting and sinking. The sheet that they tied around his waist was barely holding up, revealing his toned, but quite damaged body... It was impossible to tell what exactly tore his skin like that, the wounds were too deep for it to be a whip, but then again, too wide and violent for a knife. 

Judging from the already healed scars, these weren't the first hits he had to endure, yet he just sat there quiet and unmoving, while my blood boiled with anger at the mere thought that these saint-playing morons had hurt him, especially because I could do nothing about it even now. 

Helpless panic rushed through every inch of my body, knowing what the outcome of this dream was each and every time, and even thinking about the possibility threatened to make my eyes tear up.

But this was real life... Now I could change the ending.  

I can't let him die. I can't... I can't. 

My mind raced with a million thoughts, disturbing me so much that it took me another minute to note, who else was in the room; Leon and Lucifer stood near Jude's tied up form, talking as if there was nothing intense going on... Or at least Lucifer was. He walked around the room, while not paying much attention to the angel, and he kept gently poking the white-robed soldiers and chuckling when they didn't move at all from the provocation. 

Like a child, in a business-meeting; Totally inappropriate, and annoying. 

Lucifer... Did Lucifer betray Jude? Why would he do that? That makes zero sense he... he gave up everything for him. I didn't know Luci whatsoever, but one thing I became sure about ever since our latest visit, that he is the last person that I have to worry about when it comes to Jude's safety. 

So what is he doing here?

"Chaos is awake" someone spoke up, and both of the blonde men's gaze locked on me, breaking my train of thoughts. 

"Guys, stop trying to make this "Chaos" thing happen. It's not gonna happen, it's not a name, you are embarrassing yourselves." Lucifer rolled his eyes as if he wasn't sending us to our deaths right this moment. I glared at him with hatred that words can't describe, yet it left him unfazed as always. 

"Stop acting like a child, Lucifer... This has taken long enough just because you wanted to wait for Seth to wake up! Just kill him, and get this over with!" Leon growled, displeased but still too nonchalant for the given circumstances.

"As long as you need me for this, you have to endure that we do it my way, Leon" the other shot back "besides, you're the one wasting time on torturing him" he gestured towards Jude, who still didn't react to the mention of his name. 

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