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Lucifer's presence left, and now I was all alone again, fearing that these might be the last breaths I take, yet I was hurrying to inhale them. 

"Ju...Jude..." I begged to no one in particular as if the air or the sky could've reacted to my demand of seeing the demon. I could hardly take in the things around me, my sight was too blurry to do so. 

"Don't speak..." I heard a low voice demand. He sounded strange... Jude's voice always had a certain mystery to it, because I never knew what he was thinking about, but now the emotion that his tone held was perfectly clear.


Why was he scared?

"Are you frightened?" I wondered in my dizzy state, while I felt a sudden and strong pain in my back again, then something wrapped around my torso tightly... like clothing or something. I heard him throw away the knife, a little bit further from us.

"Shut up" He growled stronger now, but I could still hear that strange... panic? Worry? I'm not sure what it was exactly.

"You'll be fine, just stop talking." his voice was now softer, and I slowly opened my eyes, to see his face. Those sharp and dark features now looked more human than I have ever seen him, and that's when it hit me... the strange tone of his voice, this expression.

He was... he was scared that I might die. Or at least he looked like he was in more distress than I have ever seen him before. 

It's true though, he would lose my soul if I were to die before we kill anyone.

A small smile appeared on my lips, and I sat up as much as I could move, putting my hand on his shoulder for support.

"So that's what worry looks like on your face... It's odd" my words came out low and raspy, and even he was surprised that I could still talk. Our eyes met, and his expression calmed a bit down as if my insolence ensured him that I'll make it out alive.  

"Well... the good news is, Veronica is just as bad at stabbing people, as she is at making up lies... The bad news is you are still a brat, it seems the knife didn't change much" he concludes, giving me a small half-smile. I wanted to chuckle, but it would've hurt too much, so I left out this opportunity. I glanced down, seeing that he stopped the bleeding with my suit-jacket, or at least with a torn piece of it. 

"Is Harvis here already?" my question struck him surprised, obviously, because he couldn't believe I really mean to go through with the plan in this state. 

I wasn't stupid, I knew I couldn't do what I had wanted to originally... but I was filled with spite and anger, and I knew, there is no fucking way, I will let the angels or Lucifer get away with this.

They will learn once and for all, that if they get in my way... the consequences will be so much worse than the thing they tried to stop.  If they want me to be that damned Chaos guy, they can be my fucking guests. 

"Yes, he is but, there is no way you can stand up straight, let alone seduce him" he reminded me, but also scanned my expression. He knew I had something else in mind. 

"You... you said you have powers, but you can't use it in a way that mortals would realize it was supernatural?" I continued, and he hesitantly nodded, more curious by the second. 

"Lock the doors... and burn it to the ground... We'll leave no witnesses alive, no one will know what started the fire" 

Jude stared at me silently, his eyes widened ever so slightly, shock clearly displayed on his usually laid back face. I didn't take my eyes off of him, not like I could see him that well anyway. Even though everything was still blurry, I knew what his eyes were trying to read from mine:

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