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I don't think I ever looked more victorian-novel-male-protagonist in my life, than tonight. The suit and tie, with the pushed-back hair, accompanied by my walking stick, it all gave me a strange sort of "aristocrat with a dark backstory" vibe, that I honestly didn't have a problem with. 

"This stick makes me look older" I complained (or just observed really) quietly, eyeing my reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

"Yeah totally, I swear you could easily pass as 7 or maybe even 8" Jude shouted back from the living room, waiting for me so we could get going. I rolled my eyes, sighing and admitting this will be one hell of a long night. But also... There is no harm in enjoying it for once, is there? It's my birthday or something. I'm nineteen... hurray I guess? 

Obviously, I knew this was just a way of Jude trying to hide the fact that the world is falling apart around us, and it's somehow all my fault according to literally almost everyone, but still, I could use the distraction. 

As I got out of the bathroom, and our eyes met with the demon, he gave me a look that was equivalent to a very well worded compliment. Jude always looked at me with a hunger that suggested I would be everything that he would need to have right now, and that somehow made me want to keep my distance even more. I guess, aside from the fact that I didn't want to get entangled with him sexually, I also didn't want him to lose interest in me... As sad as it is to admit, he is the only one who ever really found my valuable, which is quite... depressing, to be frank, but what can you do? 

Jude himself was wearing a three-piece, complimenting his broad shoulders and elegant posture. We both had plenty of reasons to stare at each other, but to be honest, it wasn't unusual. Having this bond, made both of our lives harder, even if Jude didn't show, from the interactions I had with other people that knew him, I gather that he really went out of his way to be gentle with me. I must admit, from our first interactions I was pretty sure that he'll torture me the first chance he gets, but he still didn't use his shot to order me whatever he wants to... But I have that unsettling feeling that he is keeping that for later. 

On a different note, as we arrived to his choice of restaurant, I was pretty speechless. I almost felt like I wasn't supposed to be in there, the only thing holding me back from cowering so no one would notice my presence, was my oh-so-important pride. I knew this place, I've walked by it many times, but I never dreamed of coming in here. The "Fameux" was one of the most expensive places that one could find nearby, and so it was a little intimidating to enter as if I had any place here. Big chandeliers hung from the huge ceiling, everything overly decorated, but somehow still classy, and overall you could just tell this place was exclusive, to say the least. 

Jude, probably noticing my uneasiness that I fought so hard to hide, gently placed his hand on my lower back, as if to reassure me to keep going. We passed many tables, and pairs dining together until we got to the very back of the room. A table for two was already prepared with a single rose and a candle. It was almost like in those picture-perfect movies. 

It was a big relief to sit down finally, but that also meant I had to face the demon who was not very good at hiding his amusement. 

"Just admit it. You find it childish that I like this" I rolled my eyes, while one of the waiters gave us our menus. 

"I'm your demon, I'm not here to judge your desires, I'm here to make them come true..." he smiled cunningly, sending me a clear but subtle message that dining at expensive places is not the only one of my desires he is aware of. I swallowed a little, standing his sinister gaze, and nodded, while still trying to fight the pleasant level of arousal that the words "I'm your demon" left in me.

 Damn right he was mine.

"Would you like some wine?" the waiter dared to break our obvious stare-down, but both Jude and I glanced at him as if we were just having the time of our life. 

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