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/ Late night, but nonetheless heartfelt update for ya'll... Anyways, time is not real in quarantine./

A shocked silence settled in the room, as Lucifer and I were glaring at each other. I stood his evil gaze without a flinch, not letting myself be threatened by his sadistic grin. People started whispering and muttering, and it was easy to hear since neither he or I spoke. Lucifer slowly made his way to me, stopping only when he was uncomfortably close to me, but I didn't step back, I just raised my chin a little, so I could meet his eyes from up close too. 

"I must apologize for Seth's terrible humour, Lucifer. He obviously didn't mean what he said" I heard Jude's voice fill the room, as his steps slowly caught up to me. He placed his hand on my back as a friendly gesture, I suppose while forcing a smile on his face. 

"He didn't seem like he was kidding, to be perfectly honest" Lucifer remarked with a sly smile, glancing from Jude to me again.

"Haha, well he was, to be perfectly honest." Jude let out the fakes laugh I have ever heard while wearing his signature "fuck yourself with a chainsaw" smile. 

"You sure? I was about to pick him" 

"Would be quite a fatal mistake" I shivered as the room suddenly lit up. Every candle's flame in the room could've reached the ceiling judging by how violently they started burning. Lucifer glanced to his side, noting his surroundings, and he smiled coolly, as his gaze found my demon again. Jude stepped even closer to him, shielding me from his sight mostly. 

"I presume you wouldn't threaten me, Judas" he retorted with an arrogant smirk creeping up his lips.

"Me? Never. But I also presume that you can understand that it's in your best interesting to keep your palms off what is mine." his voice was civilized as always, yet there was something more dark and evil about him now... his aura changed, or maybe just the aggressive orange lighting of the flames made his sharp features even more cut-throat. 

"Well, to be precise, Judas, he is not yours yet. He is still alive, and that means his soul is only bound to yours, but here in hell, he does not qualify as your pet. Which means, he has free will, to an extent... So... Do you still wish to volunteer as my gift, Seth?" the fallen turned to me now, taunting me with every little movement his face made. Jude slowly walked back to me, taking his place at my side, and putting his hand on my lower back as usual. 

I was already decided, I couldn't let those barely teenagers go through such a thing without interfering... It can take a shot for them, and also, back off now would be most of all, humiliating. How bad can it be really? Well... probably very bad, but this wasn't the point. I can take it. My eyes glanced over the devil, meeting the little girl's frightened look, and I instantly knew I won't be able to give up in this. 

 I clenched my jaw, standing Lucifer's evil and ill-intentioned gaze. He might've looked like an angel, but he couldn't be further from one. My stomach turned from the disgust and anger that boiled within me. What kind of man hurts children? What kind of anything hurts children for that matter?

I knew I couldn't back off... not now, even though I could tell Jude was one wrong word away from burning this whole palace to the ground. 

"Ye--" my words broke off into a silent scream, as I gaped from the sudden pain that erupted from my back. I couldn't breathe, as Jude's claws sank deeper into my flesh, and my hands reached for something to hold onto in the gawkiest way possible. My fingers grasped the very end of Jude's suit, but he didn't react. He kept his hand on my back as if he would just support me, but of course, everyone in the room could probably see that this wasn't the case. 

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