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I couldn't sleep before the trip. My stomach was curled up in an excited and nervous ball, both lusting after my vengeance, and terrified of what may come, and I was completely alone with this, as before. I could hardly close my eyes, as I tried to calm my nerves. It was already late, but my mind refused to even get sleepy. 

Getting out of my bed after a few angry turns, I grabbed my jumper from my nightstand where I had very elegantly thrown it before I went to sleep, and I dug around in the dark, finding my small drawing tablet. I usually didn't use it, I preferred traditional art, but since right now it was dark and I didn't want to turn on the light, I had to do with that. Successfully collecting the pen as well, I silently opened my bedroom door and sneaked out into the living room. Until then I wasn't sure what I was going to be drawing, but this question was soon answered by the sight of the sleeping demon, lit by the strong moonlight that invaded the apartment at night. I stared in awe since I have never really seen him before like this. Peaceful and almost soft, his strong, wicked features now relaxed, making him appear much younger, almost boyish. 

I quietly went around the couch, and sat down from across him in one of the armchairs, almost holding my breath, afraid I'd wake him and lose the sight. It was a paradox, how human, yet how other-worldly he looked in this dream-like lighting. My hands moved by their own, sketching his features roughly, almost without taking my eyes off of him. As his distinct features bathed in the moonlight, I could hardly think of anything that would be more gorgeous than Jude was. Sure, all the demons I have met so far was handsome, but nothing compared to him, this twisted beauty I could just not grasp.  

I spent the night that way. I was drawing him, sitting perfectly unmoving, and silent, the only noise made by the contact of my pen and the tablet, but that, fortunately, wasn't enough for him to wake. I was finished before the sun came up, and though I was exhausted from the lack of sleep, my soul was less disturbed. I guess I missed art... didn't have much time or desire to pour myself into any piece for a long time. As I walked back into my room, I checked my clock. It was 5 am, the sun will soon come up. Was not really worth, trying to sleep, but I still collapsed on the mattress and closed my eyes, without having any strength to do otherwise.


The sun and the soft scent of toast woke me up. Suspecting Jude was cooking, my mouth watered, alerting me that I was in dying need of some food. I felt extremely sleep deprived, but I still crawled out of bed and targeted the kitchen as my main focus. 

As I got nearer, I found Jude's muscular back. He was facing the counter, and as I suspected - making toast. The magic was gone, and the strange effect of the moonlight also left those mesmerizing features, leaving the demon I knew well in their place. 

"Good morning. Coffee?" I  was caught off-guard by his voice, so I just nodded absently, and sat down at the table. He cooked a lot for me, and I started to suspect it was like a hobby for him, that he tried to keep a secret, just to remain mysterious. But I didn't even have to ask him, he just did it whenever he had time. 

"My dear, you look slightly more dead every day" Jude commented when he turned to me and acknowledged my exhausted joke of a face. 

"What can I say, I just really felt at home in hell, though I would speed the process up" I replied sarcastically, which to he clicked his tongue as if the to say, it wasn't that bad. Well sure as hell it wasn't that bad for HIM. 

He walked up to me, coffee in hand and placed it just before me, grasping the back of my chair with his free hand. 

"I hope we'll soon find a way to calm your dreams... this is getting out of hand." he accompanied his words with a gentle pat on my head. I shivered at this sudden affectionate touch, but didn't say anything, just grabbed my coffee. 

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