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/Hi, y'all. I usually don't do shout-outs or didn't know who I should before, but I've been reading a story here, and I felt like you guys would love it too. So here it goes:

Do Not Disturb BXB  - by XxYourbookshelfxX

Seth's POV:

I decided to bring Jude to one of the best, and almost the cheapest restaurants in town, more precisely to Jimmy's Kitchen.

I've never met Jimmy, and I doubt that anyone ever had since the owner's name always has been Thomas, yet somehow no one came about to question this phenomenon, and I guess this mystery will remain unsolved. 

The inner decor resembled, or tried to resemble the inside of an old ship, with the wooden floor, and walls, and the strange but comfortable circular seats and tables. We sat down somewhere in the far back, in a corner, while I watched the demon observe his surroundings with slight scepticism. 

"Not as fancy as where you took me, but the food is great" I defended calmly, and he nodded in agreement. 

"I don't mind cheap dates."

"Is this a date?" I cocked an eyebrow up with amusement, and he offered me a cunning smirk. 

"I'm your boyfriend, silly" I couldn't fight off the smile from my lips, so I had to mirror his expression, and I don't even know why. Maybe I found it funny, how we were joking, but also not really. After all... we lived together, occasionally had sex, and generally, Jude had no concept of personal space, so I guess if you'd ask anyone, we might as well be a couple... Who knows, it's hard to draw the lines when you have a match... and it's even harder to care about these lines when he comes close. 

I sighed, lost in my thoughts for a second before he regained my attention:

"So we are killing the principal, right?" 

For a second, it struck me, that my life was at a place where murder was a casual conversation topic, and I didn't know how to feel about it. I shouldn't be surprised, after all, more than 70 people died by my hands, but I didn't feel the responsibility that much since I didn't see them die... They just... ceased to exist, for me. Even Harvis just disappeared from the face of Earth, I didn't feel like their blood stuck to my hands, even though it obviously did. Those were my kills and my sins, no doubt. 

"Yes." I retorted shortly, and he nodded a few. 

"Are you going to tell me, what all these people did, or do you just expect me to send them to death without a question?" my gaze wandered up to Jude, and I let our eyes lock. 

"Would you do it?" 

Silence settled between us, a little heavier than I expected it to be. I didn't know what my question actually meant. I wasn't asking about his loyalty, nor his morals, I knew enough about both of those... It was something different, but I couldn't tell what. 

Maybe what I really meant was... Would he do it, just for me? Just because I want him to. 

"I would" he stated after a little while, and I gulped from an intense emotion I couldn't describe, but it was clearly there and visible in his eyes. 

I glanced at the menü, not that I was reading it, just trying to collect my thoughts before I get lost in those velvet eyes once more.

"Harvis... preyed upon the schoolgirls... We all heard the rumours about it, but no one took them seriously. We just thought people didn't like him, so they began talkin' of these types of things" my voice struggled to keep nonchalant, which wasn't surprising given the subject, but I didn't want to really get emotional about it "I had a friend... Well...maybe an enemy. Lola... She was like me, just a girl. Maybe worse." a pause came in order, as I couldn't help but smile at her memory. Those fiery curly locks, and that forever-angry face... "She was a troublemaker, and we kind of hated each other, but... In a friendly way. We were in detention together, talked a lot too. I drew black-fire unicorns for her, and she showed me how to pinch the most effectively and painfully." Jude chuckled a little, glancing down at the table, and I blushed a little for some reason, clearing my throat to continue. 

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