The Game - part 2

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As I stepped out of the elevator, I quickly found myself in an entirely different setting than I thought I would. A light breeze swept through my clothes, and glancing down at myself I realized I wasn't wearing my suit anymore... Some strange white cloak wrapped around my body, and as I moved around a little to take a better look at the changes, I noticed something... Odd. 

"Watch out with your wings, please!" a calm voice asked me, and I froze, glancing in the stranger's direction, then behind my back. The soft feathered caressed my back as I awkwardly moved the limb I didn't even know I had. After I stared at my wings for a good few seconds, I looked back at the stranger, who turned out to be someone... I've seen before. 

"Stand aside. Here they come... " I could only gape at Leon, as he gently pushed me back, presumably to let someone through between us. His hair was longer, and his face betrayed a younger version of himself, but his expression was gloomier than I had ever seen it. 

Two other angels dragged someone through the cliff we were standing on, bringing him to the very edge of the rock, and forcing him to kneel down, facing away from us. A white sack covered his head but despite the two-man holding him by his arms, he still struggled. 

"Hold him tight!" Leon ordered sternly, then glanced back at me "Let's not waste time... You know what to do" I blinked a few times in utter confusion, but followed his gaze down to my hand. I was holding a knife, quite a big one, richly decorated, with a curved blade. 

"Where are we?" I questioned a little unsurely, glancing at the held down angel. He was half-naked, his wings revealed perfectly before us. It was beautiful, though I didn't have much time to stare at him, I could make out his tones body, and a few scars he probably got by resisting the two other.  

"At the Malum, of course... We don't have much time, cut his wings off before he escapes" Leon ordered, narrowing his eyes a little angrily. I swallowed, tightening my grasp around the knife... Is this my task? 

"What's the Malum?" I ignored his request, to get more out of him. He raised an eyebrow in surprise, but his frown stayed. 

"The cliff of the fallen... Cut. His. Wings. Now." he spat now more aggressively, and I growled out in annoyance, stepping closer to the man, and I kneeled down behind him. It was just an illusion after all, but still, it felt so real... The wind, the depth underneath us, the gloomy dark clouds, and the man before me, struggling for his freedom. The light breeze carried his scent to me, familiar, yet strange as if I had already felt a version of it... a more detailed and stronger version. 

"Who is this?" I asked quietly, not being able to resist the urge to touch his wings. It was soft and gently shook under my fingers, as I traced the feathers with my hand. 

"A sinner." Leon retorted, his voice flat and indifferent. 

"It's just a damn birthmark!" I shivered when the man before me suddenly yelled out. Probably attempting to look back at Leon, he began thrashing around, almost pushing one of the angels off the cliff. 

I stared at his covered face in shock... I knew this voice. 

"Brother, why wo-"

"I'm not your brother, Judas." Leon cut him off sharply, which sent Jude into action again, moving around and trying to fight off the two men at his side with little to no success. 

"That's not my name..." his voice was now weaker, hurt and angry, but I still couldn't see his face. I didn't need to. 

"From now on, yes it is... That's how the world will know you." Leon said nonchalantly, his sharp words hitting hard for even me. 

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