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Lucifer's POV:

"I'M FINE!" Lucifer's deep, booming roar sent everyone into a frozen state, including Vixen, who was trying to wash some blood off of the Lord's face. The party was officially over, of course, but still, there were too many people here for Lucifer's taste... All the servants, trying to clean up the mess Jude made, plus Vixen and Mindy attempting to be soft and caring. Either women had any experience in either of those things, and all they did was annoy him. Everyone annoyed him.

When he noticed no one dared to move, he made an irritated hand gesture, signalling for everyone to leave the throne hall. Massaging his temples, he waited for all the footsteps to fade away, only then did he open his eyes, peeking out from his light, but long lashes. Every bone in his body was hurting, his skin was torn, so was his suit, and as he parted his lips he could feel each and every wound that ran across it... However, all this agony didn't even compare to what he felt. Anger, most of all, mixed with all types of bitter emotions, which left his chest tight. 

Never in his life could he hate someone so much... He despised Gabriel, Leon, the rest of the angels, God, of course, but no one was such an eyesore, no one ruined his life quite as much as Seth did, and the little bastard didn't even know it. He wasn't even born when it all started... But one thing was for sure, Seth deserved every little moment of having his illusional wings being cut off. He wished he would've been able to watch the boy longer, he earned to feel what Jude and Lucifer both had to go through because of him, and him alone. 

Rising from his throne, he grunted in pain but didn't let it bother him from moving nonetheless. He wanted to read Seth, so he would be able to send them away. He didn't want that curse of a child in his castle, it wasn't even fun anymore to watch him get in all sorts of stupid situations. He just wanted him to cease to exist and to do it painfully...

He walked through the hallways of his home until he reached the chambers. He pushed the door open and walked through the unpleasant and cold area, silent as a cat. He didn't know which cell they were in, but he could easily follow the aura of Jude's power, till he arrived at the right block.

The sight tightened his throat to the point that he had a hard time breathing. Anger and desperation overcame him, sending him to a furious state that made his hand tremble with the need to destroy something. 

He fell from heaven, for Jude... He rebelled against God, got his wings cut off and thrown into Hell because he believed he wasn't Judas. He... He knew he couldn't be. He would never let him die. They were friends... emphasis on the "were". 

If not for Seth, and the stupid prophecy, neither of them would've had to suffer so much... The only thing that made him glad for their sinning, was that after losing his wings, Jude changed completely. He became... uninvadable. Unreadable. Far away from everything that he once was, he lived up to the nickname people forced on him, and Lucifer was somewhat happy about that. He knew, no one could get close enough to Jude's cruel heart for them to fall in love... the prophecy seemed to be false, as the hurtful events of the past ate Jude alive, turning him away from the man he once was. On the outside, polite and gentle, but Lucifer knew better. Jude found great joy in destroying people and doing it in a way that no one would know it was him. 

A little bit of a violent and cynical smile appeared on his lips, as he recalled the day he summoned Jude to hell for the first time in a while... Even that day, when he heard that Jude matched with a mortal, he didn't even flinch... He was convinced, that he knew his friend more than anyone else, even if they grew apart. Jude couldn't love anyone, he didn't care to. Even if it's his match, it doesn't mean anything...

And then, later when he saw them together at the dinner... He knew something was odd, but he wrote it off as Jude using another way to manipulate the boy. The softness in those looks he gave Seth made Lucifer's skin crawl, but he knew it was just an act... It's nothing more, just Jude being great at what he does... Anyone who had ever seen or felt Seth's soul should know that there is very little to love in him. Rage, frustration, cruelty and pride suffocating anything good that could've ever come from the boy, and though for a toy he sure could be interesting, nothing more. 

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