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It has been almost a week, that I had forbidden our unwritten rules, and used our bond to beat Jude up, yet, the demon did nothing to me so far. I was worried since he was positively planning something against me, something horrible at that, but he acted... normal. As if nothing had happened. 

Though he was called in again, by a demon, he only refers to as "prick" so I spent the day alone at the campus. I didn't hate it, sometimes I felt like I would need a little distance from him... I became numb to a lot of things, and the last topic that could leave any sort of taste in my mouth became my vengeance. 

Jude had also kept his touchy behaviour to himself, ever since that night, and I wondered if he only ever flirted with me, to prove his point of my... not necessarily straight attraction. It somehow left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I could never tell, why did I miss something that had annoyed me to the core. Well, I didn't miss him being a pervert, I just... I was deprived of human touch, that's all.

Maybe not even the touching, just the interest. Throughout my life, there have been very few people who cared to know me or knew me and liked me. And though I know, Jude is only interested in tormenting me, it still feels better than being alone. 

"Seth?" It was a familiar voice, so I looked up, only to be shocked to my very core. Veronica's beautiful and tender features looked back at me, her eyes almost apologetic, and I couldn't react to it for a long while. 

When did she get here? Were we sitting next to each other this whole class, and I didn't even notice? 

"Oh... I..."

"Please don't" she topped me gently, I presume not wanting to hear my apology. She seemed hurt, to say the least, yet I could not detect the slightest bit of anger in her eyes... it was something entirely different.

But what was it?

"Could we talk after class?" 


 At least that's what I wanted to say, I had no intention of talking to her, especially after I ditched even to explain myself, and now, she comes here looking all kind and peaceful, and it somehow angered me... It angered me because it just helped me recall what an asshole I was to her. God damn it. 

I dropped my gaze from her and nodded absently. 

"Why not" I murmured, before turning away again. She did not attempt to talk to me afterwards, so I did not either. Guilt slowly spread through my chest, and I wanted to disappear, but there was nowhere to go really in the middle of the lecture. 

Trying to distract myself, I went back to my original thoughts. I wonder how and who did manage to annoy and anger Jude so much... After all, most of the times even when I tried, he couldn't be bothered to get mad at me, but anytime he had to go back to the underworld, he appeared to be all gloomy and unwilling. 

As class ended, I already felt a knot in my throat, but regardless, there was no way out of it. As I neared the exit, I suddenly heard a voice, calling out my name. 

"Mr Wilson, can I have a bit of your time?" I turned around to face my professor, as the other students escaped the lecture room... was I in trouble? 

I shared a glance with Veronica, who just gave me an understanding nod, and motioned with her hand that she is going to wait outside. Swallowing, I walked back into the room, and up to the teacher's desk. 

"What seems to be the problem?" I urged, and he shook his head gently. 

"Hmm... Nothing. Or well... it's not a problem, just something we should talk about. It's a pity your partner isn't here today, I guess it's more something I would address to him, rather than you..."

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